1. Take the code from the following web-page: http://wasm.web.cern.ch/wasm/goodies.html = The Package (this is version of Oct 11 2005) = (This is the last version, status of Jan 20, 2008) 2. unpack it tar -zxvf TAUOLA-exp-11-10-2005.tar.gz 3. Inside TAUOLA directory there is a README file 4. Go to subdirectory platform/ 5. Remove make.inc: rm make.inc 6. Create a link (I assume you have Linux): ln -s make-linux.inc make.inc Then go to the directory include and cp phyfix.pyjets phyfix.h 7. Go to directory photos-F 8. Do as following: make 4kD-all 9. Go to directory tauola-F 10. Do as following: make cleo then make pythia 11. The directories tauola and photos are created for you 12. Go back to TAUOLA dir and verify that symbolic link make.inc exist: ls -l make.inc it should print make.inc -> platform/make.inc If make.inc is not present, make this link: ln -s platform/make.inc . 13. Go to newly created ./photos/ and execute 'make' to compile and link photos library 14. Go to newly created ./tauola/ and execute 'make' to compile and link tauola library 15. Now you have everything correctly, I (Malgorzata Worek) have just checked. You also have demo-pythia directory 16. Go to directory demo-pythia do: 'make' and then 'make run' 17. Taus are produced by PYTHIA and then decayed inside TAUOLA you can see this by edited demo.out Have fun !