This is a short message on non-fully verified necessary to run tauola universal interface in cases when some object fragments into final state of more than two leptons of the third family. It affects part of the code which operat on often overloaded HEPEVT so further verifications are needed. Because of the nature ov HEPEVT these days it can not be done in a systematic way; need time. On the other hand it seem to be natural and obvious. This patch does not fix the question of spin state of tau in such a generalized case For the case of decay chains involving staus neutralinos etc. attention (dfollowing basic rules) is needed. It must be done case by case. This patch is thanks to such a work performed with Philip Bechtle and Peter Schade. April-June 2008 this is the piece of code which to change in tauola/demo-jetset/tauface-jetset It belongs to the routine PHYFIX and is located between line 240 and 270. C(BPK)--> DO I=MAX(NP1+1,ISON(1)),ISON(2) C(BPK)--< C(ZW PS)--> IF(IDHEP(I).EQ.-KFTAU.OR.IDHEP(I).EQ.-KFNUE) THEN NP1=I GOTO 111 ENDIF ENDDO 111 continue C(ZW PS)--< C(BPK)--> DO I=MAX(NP2+1,ISON(1)),ISON(2) C(BPK)--< C(ZW PS)--> IF(IDHEP(I).EQ. KFTAU.OR.IDHEP(I).EQ. KFNUE) then NP2=I goto 112 endif ENDDO 112 continue C(ZW PS)--< DO I=1,4 P1(I)= PHEP(I,NP1) !momentum of tau+ P2(I)= PHEP(I,NP2) !momentum of tau- Q1(I)= P1(I)+P2(I) ENDDO