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How to make a testsuite for Anaphe packages

Author: Dino Ferrero Merlino

Date: 15 Sept 2001

1. Introduction

Every Anaphe package should include a comprehensive testsuite in order to perform regression tests and memory leakage/overwriting analysis. The testsuite can consist of a single testprogram (e.g. HepUtilities) or multiple executables, each one exercising part of the package (as in the HTL case, where transient and persistent libraries are tested separately).

There are several requirements which should be met in order to have a manageable test procedure. These are the ones identified so far:

2. Structure

To ease the automatic testing of packages, it is important that the testsuite can be located, built and executed in a homogeneous way. These are the rules of thumb to follow: Existing testsuites which do not fulfill these requirements should be adapted.

3. Helper makefile

The Anaphe etc directory contains a helper makefile named This file includes goodies to help implementing "local testing" (i.e. in the CVS checkout area), such as filters to locate libraries/header files (especially useful if they're scattered around in several subdirectories), to setup automatically the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and to optionally list the shared libraries used in the run (via the ldd command). See the next

4. An example of test makefile: HepUtilities

This section describes the makefile of a simple testsuite. This should be enough for most packages. To see a more complex example, checkout the HTL package and have a look at its testsuite.
# Standard Anaphe makefile
include $(LHCXX_REL_DIR)/etc/
# Special stuff for testing
include $(LHCXX_REL_DIR)/etc/

C_INCLUDES += -I../../ 
TEST_LIBS  += -L../lib/${OS} -lHepUtilities 
LIBPATH    = `find ../lib -name *.$(SHLIB_EXT)|awk $(AWK_LIBS_PATH)`
C_INCLUDES  += -I${LHCXX_REL_DIR}/include 
TEST_LIBS   += -L${LHCXX_REL_DIR}/lib -lHepUtilities 

# Application name, source files on objects
SRC     = testutil.cpp CutList.cpp 
APPL    = testutil
OBJS    = $(addprefix $(OS)/, $(SRC:.cpp=.$(OBJ_EXT)))

# make APPL the default target
all: $(APPL)

test: clean all run

$(APPL): GNUmakefile $(OBJS)
	$(C++) $(C_FLAGS) -o $(OS)/$(APPL) $(OBJS) $(TEST_LIBS) \

run: testrun

Local test setup

The LOCALTEST variable defines whether the test uses the local checkout area or the release area. In the former case the path for header files and libraries is defined locally and the LIBPATH variable holds the path to the directory containing the libraries (it will be prepended to the current LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the test). Otherwise the release directories for header files and libraries are used (ore details on the weird `find ../lib -name... later on).

If the testsuite requires other Anaphe components, the advice is to add after the if statement something like that:
# All other includes and libraries

Application name, source files on objects

This section implements some of the requirements stated beforehand (name and location of the executable testprogram).


The mandatory test target implements the whole test (building and running the testsuite). The run target relies on a predifined testrun implemented in the helper makefile:
	$(LDD) $(OS)/$(APPL))


testrun: showlibs
This target prepends the path to local libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (if necessary) and shows the loaded shared libraries if the VERBOSE variable is set.


Using the test target to verify the package as is in the release:
gmake test
cleaning in /afs/
creating platform directory...
compiling testutil
compiling CutList
g++  -I/afs/   -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wno-long-long 
-Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs -Woverloaded-virtual -Wbad-function-cast -Wconversion -fnonnull-objects  -pthread 
-o Linux/testutil Linux/testutil.o Linux/CutList.o 
-L/afs/ -lHepUtilities -ldl

gmake[1]: Entering directory `/afs/'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/afs/'
Test 1 : passed
Test 2 : passed
Test 3 : passed
Test 4 : passed
Test 5 : passed
2000-Jan-1 0:0:0.0 (GMT) 
Test 6 : passed

Verbose output and local test

By switching on the VERBOSE option we can get additional information on how the testsuite was compiled and what set of libraries was used to run the test. In this example the test runs with the local set of libraries and the VERBOSE option shows the list of shared libraries confirming we're really testing the package using the shared objects in the CVS checkout area.
gmake test "LOCALTEST=1" "VERBOSE=1"

including /afs/
including /afs/
including /afs/
cleaning in /afs/
creating platform directory...
compiling testutil
g++  -c testutil.cpp   -I../../   -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs 
-Woverloaded-virtual -Wbad-function-cast -Wconversion -fnonnull-objects  -pthread -o "Linux/testutil.o"
compiling CutList
g++  -c CutList.cpp   -I../../   -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs 
-Woverloaded-virtual -Wbad-function-cast -Wconversion -fnonnull-objects  -pthread -o "Linux/CutList.o"
g++  -I../../   -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs -Woverloaded-virtual 
-Wbad-function-cast -Wconversion -fnonnull-objects  -pthread -o Linux/testutil Linux/testutil.o Linux/CutList.o 
-L../lib/Linux -lHepUtilities -ldl => ../lib/Linux/ (0x2aac0000) => /lib/ (0x2aae5000) => /usr/local/gcc-alt-2.95.2/lib/ (0x2aae9000) => /lib/ (0x2ab31000) => /lib/ (0x2ab4e000) => /lib/ (0x2ab61000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x2aaab000)

gmake[1]: Entering directory `/afs/'
g++  shTest.cpp -c -I../../.. -I. -fPIC -I/afs/ 
-I/afs/ -o shTest.o
g++  -shared -o -ldl    \
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/afs/'
Test 1 : passed
Test 2 : passed
Test 3 : passed
Test 4 : passed
Test 5 : passed
2000-Jan-1 0:0:0.0 (GMT) 
Test 6 : passed

5. More complex use of helper makefile features: HTL

The HTL testsuite is the most complex so far. It consists of three separate testprograms and local testing is more complex due to the location of header files and libraries in different directories. In order to facilitate the search for local libraries/header files, the helper makefile provides awk filters to transform the result of a UNIX find search in a format suitable for a makefile. This is an excerpt of the HTL test makefiles:
# prepend local headers (include files from code and utility dirs)
C_INCLUDES += `find ../../[cu]* -name *.h|awk $(AWK_INCS_FILTER)`
# figure out local libraries
TEST_LIBS  = `find ../../code/T_ -name *.$(SHLIB_EXT)|awk $(AWK_LIBS_FILTER)`
LIBPATH    = `find ../../code/T_ -name *.$(SHLIB_EXT)|awk $(AWK_LIBS_PATH)`
# use release libraries
TEST_LIBS   = -L$(LHCXX_REL_DIR)/lib -lT_Histoxx
The first find looks for header files in HTL subdirectories starting with c (code) or u (utility). The output of the filter would be someting like that:
-I../../utility -I../../code/Common/ -I../../code/T_/
The second find looks for shared libraries in HTL subdirectory ../../code/T_. The output of the filter would be someting like that:
-L../../code/T_/HTL/Linux/ -lT_Histoxx
Finally the third filter would produce a library path that can be prepended to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH: