Using Anaphe in C++ Programs

Assuming you have set up correctly, the Anaphe header files are available in the subdirectory

${LHCXX_REL_DIR}/include/<package name>

and the libraries are in

${LHCXX_REL_DIR}/lib/<package name>

For more information on the structure of the Anaphe directories see here.

The directory


contains a small program called aida-config which behaves a bit like the old cernlib command. It will generate the -Ixxxx and -Lxxx -lxxx options you need to compile and link with Anaphe (or any other AIDA-compliant system). So in your makefile, you just need to add the commands `aida-config -i` to the compilation stage and `aida-config -l` to the linking stage.

For example to compile fred.cpp using the license-free libraries you would type
g++ `aida-config -i` -o fred fred.cpp `aida-config --noLicense -l` -rdynamic -ldl

N.B. The AIDA header files are not distributed as part of Anaphe! If you are not on CERN afs, but want to use the AIDA-compliant part of Anaphe then you need to make sure you have these header files and that the $AIDA_DIR variable is set so that aida-config knows where to find them. They can be downloaded from the AIDA site. If you just want to use the foundation libraries (Qplotter, HTL etc) then you don't need them.