FastCaloSim Performance Plots

24 February 2018

Figure 01:
2D GEANT4 hit position distribution in $r*\delta\eta$ and $r*\delta\phi$ coordinates (with $r=\sqrt{(\delta\eta)^{2} + (\delta\phi)^{2}}$) weighted by hit energy in FCal 1. $\delta\eta$ and $\delta\phi$ variables are calculated from the differences between the hit position and the true particle position extrapolated to FCal 1.

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Figure 02:
Raw energy distribution (before calibration) of the reconstructed photons in the EM barrel 3.

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Figure 03:
2D GEANT4 hit position distribution weighted by hit energy in the EM Barrel 2 around the extrapolated particle position. The total energy is normalized to unity.

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Figure 04:
Number of clusters in single-pion events with fixed energy.

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Figure 05:
Distribution describing the shower shape in the $\eta$ direction in the middle EM barrel layer. Reta = E(3x7)/E(7x7) is a fraction of energies stored in the $\eta\times\phi$ grid of the cells around the shower axis.

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Figure 06:
Distribution describing the shower shape in the $\phi$ direction in the middle EM barrel layer. Rphi = E(3x3)/E(3x7) is a fraction of energies stored in the $\eta\times\phi$ grid of the cells around the shower axis.

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Figure 07:
Second cluster moment in $\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is the distance of the cell from the shower center along the shower axis. Cluster moments are defined as $<\lambda^{2}> = \sum\limits_{i} E_{i}\cdot \lambda_{i}^{2} / \sum\limits_{\text{i}} E_{i}$, where sum is over all the cells in the cluster. The cluster moments of all clusters in an event are included in the distribution.

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Figure 08:
Second cluster moment in $r$, where $r$ is the distance of the cell from the shower center along the shower axis. Cluster moments are defined as $ = \sum\limits_{i} E_{i}\cdot r_{i}^{2} / \sum\limits_{\text{i}} E_{i}$, where the sum is over all the cells in the cluster. The cluster moments of all the clusters in an event are included in the distribution.

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