Events in 2006

Organiser: Miguel Angel Marquina / IT
20 October Report on the Autumn 2006 HEPiX Meeting
Helge Meinhard and Hege Hansbakk - CERN/IT
19 September Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web: Implications for Future HEP Web Applications
Bebo White - SLAC
12 September Public Resource Computing projects at Extremadura
Carlos GarcĂ­a Orellana - University of Extremadura
26 April Scientific Computing and Apple's Intel Transition
Eric Albert - Apple Computers
21 April Report on the Spring 2006 HEPiX Meeting
Helge Meinhard, Sverre Jarp and Luca Canali - CERN/IT
29 March Serial and Parallel Random Number Generation
Prof. Michael Mascagni - ETH Zurich
13 March The involvement of IT in EU Computing Projects
Bob Jones, I. Bird, A. Di Meglio, F. Fluckiger, E. Laure - CERN/IT
3 March Report on the Mumbai CHEP'06 Conference
Several speakers - CERN/IT
25 January Enabling Data-Intensive Science with Tactical Storage Systems
Douglas Thain, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Notre Dame