How to start DAQ

First of all

Now we have an updated DAQ using two VME crates with processors named c-eposly22 (for DC and FERA branches) and diracvme2 (for MSGCs). Both of them must be switched on and booted. All DAQ processes start at boot time. That are SC processes and read_master
    c-eposly22 : sc_svcvme  and at least one read_master
    diracvme2 :  sc_svcvme2 and  at least one read_master2

To get PS  beam intensity you must start correspoding  processes, see  PS data.

You must be logged in as a run user on main DAQ host computer (pcdirac06)  and set DAQ environments. You may do the last by commands:

        cd  ~/bin
        source  csh.daqvar
Two processes (primary receiver ddt-receive and central slow control sc_central) are commonly running on pcdirac06.
To check that they are To start them
ps ax | grep ddt
ps ax | grep  sc_ 
receive &
sc start 


DAQ processes on VME hosts

Your actions depends on the prehistory of DAQ work.  As it was mentioned above, all DAQ processes starts at boot time.
If by some reason they are absent you can start them by hand:
    Slow control :
        sc start [restart]
    Read-out process :
       c-eposly22read_master &
        diracvme2:  read_master2 &

If c-eposly22 was rebooted or CAMAC crate[s] were switched of, it is necessary to perform

        cd  ~/bin
        source  csh.daqvar

        init_crate 0

and start process to get  PS data .

sc - script to work with slow control process. The argument may be: start, restart, stop.

init_crate  0  - perform initialization (Z, C, Clear I) of CAMAC crates in correspondence with a /home/run/param/RO/std.cfg file.

init_crate  Br  Cr - perform initialization of the CAMAC crate number Cr in the branch number Br.

read_master - processes which performes data read-out and data transfer to the main DAQ host.

DAQ processes on main DAQ host

As you started DAQ processes on VME host, you can start processes on main host which provide an event building and the control of run:

        builder &
        RC &
        RC_gui &
        RD &
        automon >&/dev/null &
 and display counting rates:
        SM_dt &
        SM &


builder  - a process which starts childs to get data from VME processors, build events and transfer data to main DAQ host.

RC - Run Control process. It provides control of run state by a retransmission of commands from RC_gui (Graphical User Interface) or slow control processes to read_masters. RC  may be killed and started again if read_masters is running.

RC_gui - graphical user interface to control run. It allows you to control read-out electronics, select trigger file, change a run state. RC_gui may be killed and restarted again in any time without any influence on the data taking work.

RD - Run Display, may be started in any time on main DAQ host or on any computer receiving data on-line, but in the last case it will not show size of data file.

automon - primitive automatic monitoring. It writes message in file pcdirac02:run/log/monitoring.log in few cases: run changed a state, a CAMAC bus or MSGC HV alarms or warnings were detected, few empty bursts one by one were got. If you wish to see and hear these messages (that is strongly recommended) you must start readinfo process on pcdirac02.


Monitoring processes


You must be logged in as user run  on pcdirac02 and set DAQ environments (see First of all).    top

PS data

There are few processes running on VME host which get data from PS accelerator and display them on a screen. One of processes writes a file which is used in off-line and on-line data handling. Commonly these processes are started on PS computer(). For that you must open connection from PS computer to VME host by:
    telnet c-eposly22
and logged in as user pscontrol. Than type command:
    counts &

Central recording

Please, do not forget to start central recording process. In accordance to O.Gorchakov : Please, look time to time how many free space is on /data disk!

What to do

In case of problems the DAQ writes a corresponding message in the VME or main DAQ host terminal windows and in logfiles. These logfiles are in the directory: pcdirac06:/data/log .  One error detected by DAQ may results in few messages. The most detailed messages are in pcdirac06:/data/log/daq.debug file.

builder, RC and RC_gui started, but run cannot be started

The most often reason is that an electronics module is not initialized properly and you will see a corresponding message. Please, look on VME host terminal window or/and in the pcdirac06:/data/log/daq.debug logfile.

Some messages appears only in logfiles!  So, before next attempts to start a run, it is necessary to look at pcdirac06:/data/log/daq.debug  logfile for detailed information and if you cannot solve the problem, please, call experts (trigger or DAQ ones, depending on trigger or read-out electronics is not loaded properly).


RC died

It may happens in case of network problems or detected errors in electronics operations. Look on the error message on the screen or/and in the pcdirac06:/data/log/daq.debug logfile.
Possible solutions:
  • Try to restart RC, by the command RC & on main DAQ host.
  • Check  that builder and read_master are running.

  • If it is not running, start it and then start RC.
    If it did not help, than If any of processes is absent, try to restart them (at first on the main DAQ host - receiver and slow control, then slow control on VME hosts), for that: Extremely rare, you need to kill the primary receiver and central slow control. Please, do not do that without good motivation, and especially when builder  and RC  are running.


    RC_gui does not react on your action.

    Possible reasons: Please,  remember  that  initialization  of  electronics  at  start  of  run requires  few  minutes.


    Kill DAQ

    You can use possibilities:    top

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