OPAL information

Document files for PN118

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

The Forward-Backward Asymmetries of e+e- -> Z0 -> bb(bar) and cc(bar) from Events Tagged by a Lepton

The OPAL Collaboration
4th March 1994

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pn118.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS106 kb
pn118_1.ps.gzFigure 1Gzipped PS17 kb
pn118_2.ps.gzFigure 2Gzipped PS8140
pn118_3.ps.gzFigure 3Gzipped PS7714
pn118_4.ps.gzFigure 4Gzipped PS6487
pn118_5.ps.gzFigure 5Gzipped PS6402