OPAL information

Document files for PN124

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

Measurement of the Time Dependence of B0_d <-> B0_d(bar) Mixing Using Leptons and D*+- Mesons

The OPAL Collaboration
9th March 94

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pn124.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS67 kb
pn124_1.ps.gzFigure 1Gzipped PS5987
pn124_2.ps.gzFigure 2Gzipped PS14 kb
pn124_3.ps.gzFigure 3Gzipped PS9076
pn124_4.ps.gzFigure 4Gzipped PS9596
pn124_5.ps.gzFigure 5Gzipped PS14 kb
pn124_6.ps.gzFigure 6Gzipped PS5871
pn124_7.ps.gzFigure 7Gzipped PS3216