OPAL information

Document files for PN209

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

Measurement of the Branching Ratios for b-> tau- nu_tau X and b -> D*+ tau- nu_tau (X)

The OPAL Collaboration
1st March 1996

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pn209.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS137 kb
pn209_1.eps.gzFigure 1Gzipped PS10167
pn209_2.eps.gzFigure 2Gzipped PS7895
pn209_3a.eps.gzFigure 3aGzipped PS12 kb
pn209_3b.eps.gzFigure 3bGzipped PS7446
pn209_4a.eps.gzFigure 4aGzipped PS5067
pn209_4b.eps.gzFigure 4bGzipped PS9334
pn209_4c.eps.gzFigure 4cGzipped PS5160
pn209_4d.eps.gzFigure 4dGzipped PS7333