OPAL information

Document files for PN278

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

Search for chargino production at Tan_beta=1 near M_2=mu=0 using the OPAL detector at ECM=170 and 172 GeV at LEP

The OPAL Collaboration
24th February 1997

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pn278.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS527 kb
pn278_07.eps.gzFigure 07Gzipped PS8273
pn278_08a.ps.gzFigure 08aGzipped PS17 kb
pn278_08b.ps.gzFigure 08bGzipped PS17 kb
pn278_08c.ps.gzFigure 08cGzipped PS17 kb
pn278_09.eps.gzFigure 09Gzipped PS314 kb
pn278_10a.eps.gzFigure 10aGzipped PS11 kb
pn278_10b.eps.gzFigure 10bGzipped PS11 kb