OPAL information

Document files for PN508

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

Measurement of triple gauge boson couplings using photonic events with missing

The OPAL Collaboration
16th July 2002

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pn508.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS132 kb
pn508_01.eps.gzFigure 01Gzipped PS2933
pn508_02.eps.gzFigure 02Gzipped PS3623
pn508_03.eps.gzFigure 03Gzipped PS5733
pn508_04.eps.gzFigure 04Gzipped PS8002
pn508_05.eps.gzFigure 05Gzipped PS6112
pn508_06.eps.gzFigure 06Gzipped PS4234
pn508_07.eps.gzFigure 07Gzipped PS6486