Final results with the hZ/hA combination at 189  GeV  
During the Information Working Session hold on Friday 18th of June,
Hongbo presented the results from the hZ/hA combination including the
minor changes in Hll analysis and the summary of the systematic
uncertainties. He presented also some slides about the Likelihood Ratio
and the Fast Fourier Transformation connected to the new method used
in confidence level evaluation. As a general remark, it has been said
that it will be preferable :
- to reorganise the systematics part in oder to have them in a more coherent
- reduce the CLFFT part to what is necessary to explain why there is a
new method.

Other comments were addressed in order to help Hongbo to decrease
the number of slides he presented.

Status of the grand combination at 189 GeV
Frederique presented the state of art for the Grand Combination. The previous
work was already described in previous talks performed by herself and
Olivier (12-may, 20-may,3 June).
She come to the results by a step by step comparison between the hz/hA
combination (3B-method) and the grand combination (5B-method).
It was shown that whatever the method you follow,
- the use of two discriminant variables is better than only one.
- The grand combination leads to better results than the hz-nnets/hA
combination for the 4jets and hvv channels.
The two methods follow the same way for the other channels and lead to
identical results for these channels.

In conclusion the grand combination with two discriminant variables
give better results in the [sin(b-a)**2;m_h] plan and they become
identical for the Standard-model Higgs (namley for sin(b-a)**2=1).
Results and code are available
Anyway, X-checks are needed. Hongbo, Shan, Jen and Pete agreed to perform
the cross-checks.

A first part of discussion was engaged about the results we want to
quoted in the paper. No decision was taken and such a decision
will be taken during the next HTF meeting (ALEPH-Week).

It was suggested to have a look to a 4Branches combination. This work will
be performed after the meeting.