General Instruction and Rules for MC Production

Before starting any production, ensure that you have the correct versions of Galeph, Alephlib, DataBase, Tpcsim and, Julia (including correction files) as well as bankal.fmt and on your computer. For the correct versions, please see the year specific instructions (1996, 1997, and 1998). For a given Monte-Carlo run (Kingal+Galeph+Julia), use the same ALEPHLIB and DATABASE.

Galeph tapes are kept in the labs if wished, only julia tapes (in EPIO format) are shipped to CERN. Please use DLT's with standard ALEPH label prefix for the julia output (original and CERN copy). DLT should be Ascii Label. In case you can not provide DLT's we would accept the tapes.

Kingal Step

Take the file afal11:/home/scratch4/mcprod/kin/1997/ (where xxxx is the KINGAL generators ppp is the process) What you have to do is to modify the following cards :

Final Steps

Put the DLT's in the VAULT or send them to Mme Michelle Marin (Bld. 2-R-007). Send a mail to and with all relevant information (tapes, number of files, generation, number of events and cross-section)

General Remark

Please check carefully the outputs (number of events in/out, time per events, size of events), read carefully the summaries produced by the programms (number of track per events, energy in calorimeters, EDIR classification etc...).

Report quickly any problem or anomaly!