Kingal CARD files for 2000 MC production

Look at the instructions and modify the cards accordingly!!
To run KINGAL use the command KINRUN
(for example type: kinrun -F bhwi01.opt
where the .opt files for your favorite generator is in the kin area)

                      ee                cards           cards

                     muons          cards           cards
                               taus              cards         cards
                               u ubar           cards           cards
                         d dbar           cards        cards
                               s sbar            cards        cards
                               c cbar           cards         cards
                     b bbar           cards        cards

                     WW CC03   cards         cards
                         WW 4f         cards         cards
                     gg->ee          cards       cards
                               gg->mm       cards        cards
                               gg->tt           cards        cards
                               Wenu            cards       cards
                               ZZ                cards       cards

                     Zee               cards       cards    invariant mass cut 12 GeV
                     Zee               cards       cards    invariant mass cut 200 MeV

Galeph CARD files for 2000 MC production

Nothing special on the cards

BUT be carefull when you build your executable!!
Be sure that you have all the files of the list and
use the Makefile