
flag chargino topologies

Jane Nachtman, 4-Jul-96

Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 18:42:18 +0200 (MET DST)
From: jane nachtman Wisconsin 7365 
Subject: function to flag chargino decay topologies

Hi again,

Since the files I mention in my previous message include all topologies, it 
is sometimes useful to be able to separate them to measure specific 
efficiencies.  To do this, I have written a little function which is 
currently in  ~nachtman/susy/lib/idec_flag.f, which returns an integer 
code for the event topology type, as follows:

1 == lepton + lepton      (lepton indicates electron or muon)

2 == lepton + tau or tau + tau

3 == lepton + quarks

4 == tau + quarks

5 == quarks + quarks
