Dodgy Event List

These Monte Carlo events have resisted elimination by more than one cut. They may have reconstruction or simulation problems. In any case they are worrisome and deserve a close look.

updated 11-Nov-1996.

Bill reports these 18 events from the very small delta-M acoplanar jet search:

Run     Event   Variable that "single-cuts"          " double-cuts "
328      550     pointing                             tighten acop

298      5439    angle of most energetic object       jet angle
588      3282             "                               "

168      1720    echgd/nchgd                          eneuhad fraction
198      2222        "                                    "
308      1670        "                                    "
498      1442        "                                    "
528      7621        "                                    "
668      6917        "                                    "
218      1582        "                                   NONE

198      5046        acop                               tighten mvis

348      2819        ewed26                             jet angle
648      89          "                                   NONE

218      9725     theta_scat                             jet angle
388      7437        "                                   jet angle
538      446         "                                   eneuhad frac
538      6239        "                                   NONE(*)
668      7669        "                                   NONE(*)

Notes: Theta_scat was never removed in the "single-cut" study, but
       simply moved to 2 degrees

       event (348, 2819) is eliminated by only one cut, ewed26. The
       value of ewed26 is 1.3 GeV, while the cut is at 1.0 GeV. Other
       variables barely pass the cuts: the value of acop is 158.76, while
       the tightened cut is 160, for instance.

       event (198,5046) has an acoplanarity of 168.75 degrees. This
       is probably a good reason to keep acoplanarity at 160 degrees
       rather than move it back to 165 degrees. If mvis is loosened
       to 30 GeV, then this event is "single cut", although its value
       of mvis is very close to 30 (29.768).
More on the four single-rejected events:
218 / 1582  Ech/Nch = 0.9786 (cut at 1)
648 /   89  Ewed = 1.3 (cut at 1.0)
538 / 6239  theta_S = 2.54 deg (cut at 3 deg)
668 / 7669  theta_S = 2.6  deg
(*) These last two events (538/6239 and 668/7669) are eliminated by the
    wedge cut when Bill uses the standard angle of 30 deg rather than
    26 degrees.  Consequently, they are "double-eliminated."

These events come from the 4J and 2JL very small delta-M searches:


218 / 1582  Pt/Evis = 0.38 ; cut at 0.4.  not double-eliminated.
            Thrust = 0.852 (lowering cut costs too much efficiency)
828 / 3834  Enh/Evis=0.594, Pt/Evis=0.237.  Double-cut successfully.
578 /  247  E12  = 0.44 GeV ; cut at zero
198 / 9944  Ec30 = 0.65 GeV ; cut at zero. Does not trigger.
588 / 2494  cos(theta_miss)=0.912, PT/Evis=0.266.  Double-cut OK.
"A few events fail only the PT cut and have PT/Ecm > 0.0175."
(The cut is PT/Ecm > 0.025.)
All of these events do not trigger except the following two:
238 / 5019  PT/Ecm = 0.0198  (PT/Evis = 0.424)
558 / 2667  PT/Ecm = 0.0181  (PT/Evis = 0.445)


368 /  780  2.2 GeV muon (IDF=11), theta_S = 2 deg + epsilon.
            Not double-killed.
469 / 8953  Killed by the combined (PT_lept,theta_S) cut.  The electron
            of 1.3 GeV fails the dE/dX requirement. This event does not
638 / 9060  Same features as 469/8953.

Laurent reported these events from the 4J, 2JL, acop-J searches:

858 / 5113 [4J-vh] rejected by pointing. E12 = 14 GeV
828 / 2612 [4J-high,acop-J] gamma->LCAL vertical crack and 
           double counting in EFLW
298 / 5439 [4J-high,acop-J] charm: D->Kenu e->crack K->interaction
388 /  313 [acop-J] rejected by E12 cut (E12 = 30 GeV)
518 / 8052 [acop-J] rejected by acopT (165.7 deg; cut at 120 deg)
A variation of his backup neutral energy cut gives one more:
408 / 5778 [2JL-low] PT/Ecm = 0.015.  P_lept = 2.15 GeV muon (?)

All of these events come from the standard Monte Carlo samples.

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