Minutes of SUSY meeting Thursday 16th Feb 2000

The topics covered were the results for winter conferences and a first look at LEPSUSY WG combination stau signal which have manifested an excess.

RPV UDD  (D. Fouchez)
The selections are the same used at 189 GeV. The data sample presented correspond to 237 pb-1 (all energies between 192 and 202 GeV). The 4 jets rate seems to be a bit low (-2.5 sigma),while teher's slight excess in multijets and multijets + missing E. Y56 variable has a slight excess at high values. In these conditions a 80% bkg subtraction is reasonably conservative. Efficiencies have been reduced by 5% to include systematics. The slight excess of 4 jets + missing E at 200 GeV almost disappeared at 202 GeV.
Limits obtained improve exclusions on sfermion masses of 5-6 GeV with respect to 189 GeV.

RPV LLE, LQD  (David Hutchcroft)
All selections are the same used at 189 GeV. Data is combined at all energies to produce limits. A slight excess in LLE (llll topologies) has been found at 200 GeV (8 seen 2.32 expected). LQD has a deficit (at 200 and 202 GeV) in selections which looks at 4 jets  at the W peak. Only 80% of the WW background has been subracted in producing the limits. All limits obtained are better than those at 189 GeV.
Peter Dornan suggested to look at the way charged Higgs group uses angular momentum cuts to reduce WW. It was decided to send a conf note for winter conferences on RPV results.

GMSB photons (Single and multiphoton events at sqrt(s)=189-202 GeV) (G. Taylor)
All results obtaind by Gary have been updated using final data samples. In the 1 gamma + missing E channel he found 4 events in a low missing mass region. It seems to be a fluctuation. He checked energy resolution for both well contained photons and photons in the cracks using collinear gamma gamma events (it is O.K.). In gamma + missing energy topology Gary obtained limits on e+e- to gravitino gamma , e+e- to graviton gamma (quantum gravity). In the 2 gamma + missing E scenario he obtained limits on  e+e- to XX to YY gamma gamma  (100% BR X to Y gamma) and produced exclusion plots for "CDF event" in case of chi LSP and gravitino LSP. Good agreement between expected(<0.8) and oserved (0) events for non pointing single photon analysis. The purely QED process e+e- to gamma gamma(gamma)analysis has a -2.2 sigma deficit mostly due to a big fluctuation at 189 GeV (all other energies are O.K.). Gary showed also limits on new physics effects suche as extra dimensions, contact interactions and excited electrons. Globally all limits obtained are significantely improved over 189 GeV limits.

GMSB stau NLSP scenario (G. Taylor on behalf of Chris Booth)
The analysis is exactly as before,updated with final data sample and uses only 192-202 Gev data. Two plots were showed:
1) a slepton mass limit as a function of lifetime for all sleptons and for the degenerate slepton case:
2) a stau mass limit as a function of lifetime including the 3 separate analysis (MSSM short lifetime, Kinks and or large d0 intermediate lifetime, HSCP long lifetime).  Only MSSM short lifetime analysis performed bkg subtraction. At the end it was suggested to produce a conf note on photons with everything showed by Gary and a separate small conf note for the sleptons.

Preliminary Results of the MSSM slepton searches    (F. Holldorfer)
Frank used reprocessed data,old MC and efficiencies.  Bkg maps for 192 and 200 GeV were interpolated. There is a small excess ifor the stau searches at 196 GeV and 202 GeV. He made stau pre-cuts and confronted the excess in the data with a stau signal, with mstau=85 GeV and some values of deltaM, and showed that the shape of  the signal does not fit with excess data points in th eMvis plot where the excess is too narrow. The limits obtained are obviously worst than expected in the stau case while for the other sleptons are as expected. It was decided to show for winter conferences the plots of slepton searches exclusions and to give the number of candidates and expected background. The ALEPH excess in the stau channel as a significance of the order of 5% (too small to give too mach enphasis to it).

MSSM Squarks   (M. Antonelli)
Mario showed the updated analysis using 192-202 GeV reprocessed data. He used 189 GeV selection at 192 GeV and reoptimized ones for 196,200,202 GeV. He can obtain in some cases 50% efficiencies. The gamma gamma Bkg was estimated at 183 GeV.
99 data seems to have some excesses at small visible energies with respect to  W e nu PHYTIA. Using Grace 4-f there is a better agreement even for CLB. Mario showed the results which are generally 2-4 GeV better than previous ones. Stop at low deltaM  (G. Sguazzoni).

Squarks with lifetime (G. Sguazzoni)
Giacomo presented a new analysis. The decay stop to c chi at small deltaM can have large lifetime. If mstop < mc + mchi the only possible decay of the stop in stop tp u chi with a huge lifetime. So he decided to implement an analysis to look for the stop hadron.
He modified the standard MC codes (for example implementing the stop hadron behavior in GEANT treating its interaction like massive pi mesons). The expected background is mainly due to muon tracks (long lifetime) and cosmic rays tracks (intermediate lifetime). He used all data from 189 to 202 GeV. In the long lifetime scenario he applied dE/dx and kinematics cut criteria. In the intermediate lifetime scenario he applied cosmic rays and gamma gamma rejection and cut on missing energy. Combining all selection efficiencies (standard MSSM low deltaM,intermediate and long lifetime) and counting systematics he was able to set an absolute lower limit for all deltaM on stop mass equal to 68 GeV ( to be compared with 77 GeV MSSM stop benchmarks). Giacomo remarked he didin't assume any relation between c-tau of stop and deltaM (as happens in MSSM). This permits a conservative approach.
Addendum: The day after a bug in the efficiency parametrization was found. The stop mass limits goes down to 59 GeV.

Update of Neutralino Searches at sqrt(s)= 192-202 GeV + LSP limit  (F. Gianotti)
Fabiola explained the news from this searches which are:
- use of reprocessed data
- full luminosity implemented in analysis (237 pb-1)
- better understanding of Bkg
- filling "holes" to extract LSP limt for any m0 and tanbeta
Efficiencies are similar to last year. The Bkg is NOT subtracted. She used GRACE 4-f to extimate W e nu Bkg and it's more compatible with data with respect to PHYTIA in the intermediate and high deltaM selections. She is trying to fill the holes with AJ analysis to get LSP limits but she needs a finer scan; so some days are still required to have results. Globally she improved the limits from neutralino searches and indirect limit on chargino mass. It was decided to submit only one paper for the MSSM searches about chargino,neutralino,sleptons and squarks all together for winter conferences. Gerri is the main editor of the MSSM paper.

Has LEP discovered the Stau?     (G. Ganis)
Gerri showed the results of stau searches in ALEPH: there's a small excess (48 seen vs 36.8 expected considering all 189-202 GeV data). Other experiments observe small excesses too. In the combination several points in the usual (mstau,mchi) plane have CL
as low as 10-4. However the probability that the expected Bkg can fluctuate to such a pattern has not been calculated yet.
Looking closer at numbers an excess is present almost at all sqrt(s). More investigation is needed and it should be important to quote systematics on estimated Bkg.

Submitted by: Cristiano Borean