SusyTF Thursday 25th January 2001

9:00 - Theory Amph.  - Preliminary Agenda

Final result on sleptons                                                                                          B.Clerbaux            15'
Final results on squarks                                                                                         G.Sguazzoni            15'
Final results on charginos                                                                                B.Clerbaux/P.Azzurri   15'
Final results on neutralinos                                                                                    F.Gianotti              10'
Towards the ultimate LSP limit in MSSM/SUGRA                                        B.Clerbaux/G.Ganis       10' *
Stau mixing and LSP limit                                                                                       K.Jacobs                15' *

Final results on LQD and LLE                                                                               D.Hutchcroft          15'
Final results on UDD                                                                                             D.Fouchez             15'
Direct Chargino decays                                                                                         A.Garcia-Bellido   15'
Search for single sneutrinos                                                                                  C.Curtil                  10'  *

Stable sleptons                                                                                                       F.Cerutti                10'
Sleptons with lifetime                                                                                            C.Booth                 10' *
Single electron and slepton mass limit                                                   M.Azzouz/U. Blumenschein   10' *
Cascade decays chi -> slepton lepton   with lifetime                                             L.Jones                  15'
Cascade decays chi -> slepton lepton   without lifetime                                        E.Buhova              15' *

Charginos at very low dM                                                                   N.Defilippis/M.Maggi             10'

LEPSUSY combination plans for winter conferences + final publication
MSSM                                                                                                                    B.Clerbaux             5'
RPV                                                                                                                        D.Fouchez              5'

Total     3h.35' !!!

* This items need to be confirmed

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