Minutes of SUSY meeting Thurs 4th Nov 1999

In the following the number of events observed (obs) vs. expected (exp) refer to the sum of all energies taken just this year.

Squarks up to 202 GeV- M. Antonelli
189 selections used, but reoptimised at 196,200,202. New efficiency paramterizations.
                                                                         obs   exp
results:    stop->charm neutralino           L-deltam   2    1.8
                                                           H-deltam   8    6.3

            stop->bottom-lepton neutrino     L-deltam   4    1.7
                                                           H-deltam   0    1.1
            sbottom->bottom neutralino       L-deltam   1    0.9
                                                           H-deltam   2    1.8
mass limits improve 2-5 GeV. Excess of low mvis/elep events, need to investigate GRC4F W e nu MC.

Slepton up to 202 GeV- Karl Jakobs for Frank Holldorfer
last years cuts scaled by energy, use last years E12 inefficiency.
           ee                    38 obs / 45.8 exp
           mumu                39 obs / 41.2 exp
           tautau              41 obs / 32.8 exp
the usual excess for staus, limits improve (not much for staus).

charginos up to 202 GeV -Paolo Azzurri
Standard analysis applied on new data:
                high sfermion masses   low sfermion masses
                   7 obs/ 12.1 exp       22 obs/32.3 exp
Lack of events compared to expectation. E12 distributions measured on random trigger for this year,  quite similar to last year. Charginos excluded up to kinematic limit.

neutralinos up to 202 GeV- Fabiola Gianotti
dominant decay:  neutralino_2->Z* neutralino->acoplanar jets
                                                   obs     exp
   delta_m<15       AJ-L                  0       0.5
15<delta_m<25     AJ-L.or.AJ-H     3        1
25<delta_m<45     AJ-H                 6        1
Excess of events in AJ-H (similar selection to stop->charm neutralino),
2 events at 196, 2 events at 200, 2 events at 202.
2 events are close to the anti gamma-gamma cuts.
Emiss of candidates 150-180 GeV.  Dominant background is W e nu. Need to compare GRC4F with PYTHIA. Indirect limit on chargino mass up to about 105 GeV, a gain of 3-5 GeV wrt Tampere. The combined limit on the neutralino mass from the charginos and neutralinos is 36.5 geV (m0=500 GeV).

Single and Multi-photon events- Gary Taylor
Problem in data for ECAL module 25.
Two photon+ missing energy:
                        obs    exp
preselection       34      35
neutralino LSP     9       11
GLSP                  3       2.1

Photon+missing energy:
584 obs/591 exp, 3 events with missing mass less than 60 GeV.
2 of the events are in cracks and have poor resolution.
M_gravitino > 1.1 x 10-5 eV
Extra dimensions  n=2 Md>1110 GeV
                           n=3 md>860 GeV

Non-pointing photons:
        0 obs/0.5 exp

two photons: 1599 obs/1632 exp
extra dimensions: lambda_T(+)>987 GeV
                          lambda_T(-)>866 GeV
excited electron: m_e*>371 GeV

stable sleptons up to 202 GeV- Fabio Cerutti 
Data quality 192-196 GeV ok. For 200-202 GeV shift (2.7%) in P(+)-P(-)/E_beam, probably due residual effects after fix for TPC short.
 0 obs/ 0.6 exp  Last years limit on M_stau improves 5 GeV to 93.5 GeV.

Long lived sleptons up to  202 GeV- Chris Booth
Kinks selection modified to require at least one VDET or TPC hit on inner track- reduces efficiency 69->64%.  Need to show on MC that tighter selection is justified.  1 event found in data, a single track with kink and em energy close by.  Probably bhabha with 1 electron in detector (which radiates to give kink)  and other at low angle. Standard model backgrounds 0.58 events, limit on  gamma-gamma background uncertain due to lack of Monte Carlo.  Mass limits around 88-90 GeV.

R-Parity Violation via UDD- Dominique Fouchez
same selections as 189 GeV:
                                obs    exp
    4jets                    838     896
    4jets-broad          165     173.6
    multijets                17      11.9
    multijets+lepton     39      26.8
    4jets+2lepton         8       6.7
    multijets+2lepton    8       9.8
    4jets+emiss          114     98.4
    multijets+emiss     168     155.2
Due to  small excesses in multijets channels, the limit on the chargino mass is a bit below the kinematic limit (>99 GeV). The neutralino mass peak observed in the sneutrino analysis at the time of Siena, is not confirmed with the new data. Using the GRC4F monte carlo rather than PYTHIA reduced (not increased) the background estimate around the peak.

R-Parity Violation via LLE/LQD- David Hutchcroft
LLE selections:                     obs     exp
           leptons+hadrons         10       11.2
           4 leptons                   10       5.1
           2 leptons+2 taus         1       2.5
           4 taus                        5       5.4
           ee+emu+mumu            151      174
           ee+etau+tautau          96      109
           mumu+mutau+tautau    75      108

LQD selections:
           multijets+leptons        14      13.9
           2 jets+2 taus             13      15.0
           2 jets+Emiss              27      20.1
           4 jets                      899      999.8
Excess in 4 leptons but no mass peaks-so not sneutrino. One event
(run52125/evt9969) looks like a zz->4 mu. The 2 jets+emiss selection is similar to the acoplanar jets of RPC neutralinos and as for that case an excess is observed. The chargino mass limit is essentially at the kinematic limit for both LLE and LQD. Mass limits for sleptons, squarks, sneutrinos all improve.

Single sneutrino via LLE up to 202 GeV- Chris Curtil
The analysis searching for photoproduction of a single sneutrino via LLE has been updated. A cross-section of 0.06pb is excluded  for all sneutrino masses decaying via lambda_1j2.  The existing low energy limits on lambda_1j2 are improved for masses below 160 GeV.

Submitted by:  Pascal Coyle