DFGT Charginos

Here there is the list of tapes with the DFGT files:
  ~2400 events per file,  all topology , GALEPH 304.8, JULIA 282.1 
  Msca =500 GeV ,ISR, no FSR.


TAPES          tan(beta)  mu    M2      Mcha    Mchi   dM    
AC7944	        1.414   -75.1  1170     79.9    74.8	 5    
AC7940	  	1.414   -70.3   550     79.8	69.7	10
AC7939	 	1.414   -65.6   340     79.8 	64.7	15
AC7938  	1.414   -61.6   235	79.8	59.8	20
AC7943          1.414   -56.1   168     80.1    55.0    25  
AC7942 	        1.414   -51.9   122     79.9    49.8	30
AC7937		1.414	-47.4	88.	79.7	44.6	35
AC7936		1.414	-45.7	68.4	79.8	39.6	40
AC7929		1.414	-46.0	58.7	79.8	34.7	45
AC7928		1.414	-50.0	49.5	79.8	29.6	50
AC7941		1.3	-44	41	79.7	24.8	55
AC7927		1.15	-29	32	79.8	19.5	60
AC7926		1.08	-21	24	79.8	14.7	65
AC7945		1.05	-15	16	79.6	 9.9	70
AC7946		1.02	 -7	 8	79.6	 5.0	75
AC7925	        1.01     -0.1    0.1    79.8     0.1    80  
