
Laurent Duflot has checked the trigger thresholds for the 161 GeV data taken this year.

I have checked the trigger thresholds for this year, they have not changed much wrt last fall, only the single charged EM seens to have changed from 950 to 1110 MeV. I'm not sure if all the MC have been generated with the 136 GeV threshold as this was not in the database until may/june.


PS: here are the cards, a call x1redo recompute the trigger words that can be accessed with ALTRIG

old (136 GeV)
X1TV          1 /
           5           6
       'HCWI'      1       2        4       6
       'ECEC'      950     200      2200    2700   
       'ECBA'      950     150      1000    2300   
       'ETEC'      1700    4900     5000    3000   
       'ETBA'      5500    2700     1000    3000   
       'LCEC'      19000   8000     23700   28700   

now :
X1TV          1 /
           5           6
       'HCWI'      1       2        4       6
       'ECEC'      1110    200      2200    2700   
       'ECBA'      1110    150      1000    2300   
       'ETEC'      1700    4700     5000    3000   
       'ETBA'      5600    2750     1000    3000   
       'LCEC'      19000   8000     23700   28700