"General" binned jet corrections.

List of available jet correction files and corresponding statistical errors (when available)

N.B. This page will be re-organized soon

The statistical error files given below are given in the same format as the ratio.data files, and are only used to evaluate the so called "Jet Correction" systematic uncertainty".

The corresponding files in the format (conventionally fune.dat used by the actual Common Ntuple reading code are also provided.

ratio_eg.data binned jet corrections for 98 data/MC from "trimmed" gaussian fit (recommended as "central value"), and corresponding statistical errors fune98.dat corresponding nanodstreader file
ratio.data and eratio.data same as above ("default")
ratio_ef.data binned jet corrections and errors for 98 data/MC from "full" gaussian fit
ratio_resc.data binned jet corrections to be used when rescaling 98 MC fune_calosys_98.dat corresponding nanodstreader file


1999 data / 99 MC binned jet corrections (from "trimmed" gaussian fit) and their errors fune99_99.dat corresponding nanodstreader file
1999 data / 98 MC binned jet corrections (from "trimmed" gaussian fit) and their errors fune99_98.dat corresponding nanodstreader file
ratio_resc.data binned jet corrections to be used when (if) rescaling 99 MC

2000 data / 99 MC binned jet corrections (from "trimmed" gaussian fit) and their errors 2000/fune00_99.dat corresponding nanodstreader file
2000 data / 98 MC binned jet corrections (from "trimmed" gaussian fit) and their errors 2000/fune00_98.dat corresponding nanodstreader file
ratio_resc.data binned jet corrections to be used when rescaling y2k MC 2000/fune_calosys_00.dat corresponding nanodstreader file