MC Event Weights

MC event weights general information

A detailed description of the event weights used in KORALW03 and available in the Common Ntuples has been written by A. Valassi and can be found here

A description of the weights used for the single W final state has been written by A. Valassi and can be found here.

The event weights available in KORALW03 output are stored in the bank KWGT in the EPIO file and in the array MCEWEIGHT in the Common Ntuples. The table below is to help the translation between the two sets of weights

MCEWEIGHT(1) KWGT(3)/KWGT(2) O(alpha2)/O(alpha1) ISR weight
MCEWEIGHT(2) KWGT(4)/KWGT(3) O(alpha3)/O(alpha2) ISR weight
MCEWEIGHT(3) KWGT(90) Complete NL O(alpha) correction weight (from YFSWW)
MCEWEIGHT(4) KWGT(101) Coulomb correction weight
MCEWEIGHT(5) KWGT(102) Screened Coulomb correction (KC) weight
MCEWEIGHT(6) KWGT(51) Full 4f matrix element squared
MCEWEIGHT(7) KWGT(50) CC03 matrix element squared
MCEWEIGHT(8) KWGT(52) NC02 matrix element squared
MCEWEIGHT(9) KWGT(62) single W t-channel ISR
MCEWEIGHT(10) KWGT(63) single W alpha(t) 

MC event weight shortcuts

What follows is a list of recipes to obtain useful sets of weighted events from the ALEPH generated 4f (and CC03) unweighted events by using the weights available in the Common Ntuples (and in the EPIO files). More complete and additional information can be found in Andrea's document. Let me know if you are aware of any other use of weights which can be useful.

BE CAREFUL: these weights can be negative !!

MC event weight miscellaneous results and end-user experiences


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Andrea Venturi