Short Biased Minutes of

W meeting 09/06/1999 in 40/SS-C01 – 9 am to 1 pm

1) News following Glasgow meeting (Eric+everybody)

Reminding what was decided or suggested in Glasgow and what has happened since then.

- The "Glasgow agreement" for calo systematics is on the web. See below for what has been already done.

- The card to avoid the new Sical cleaning being automatically done on 183 – 189 GeV Pots is available in Alpha (NSID).

- Z-gamma "papillon effect" . Several checks done (see below).

- The mass. Ann has produced a todo list distributed inside the group. Semileptonic see below. Fully leptonic draft 1 183 in good shape hope to have draft 2 during next aleph week. Hope to have lvlv at 189 GeV to be added to mass for Tampere.

- Bose Einstein. Draft 1 distributed . Hope to have draft 2 for Aleph week. We should also pursue the preparation of an analysis using a techinque "a la Delphi" (event mixing). This is a medium term project (after Tampere).

- CR (multiplicity studies). Meeting on the subject will take place next week (16th of June).

- Herwig. Brigitte has all the stuff, but there is evidence of different results in CSF with respect to other platforms. Under investigation.

2) TGC Status (Stephane)

The 183 GeV results have been revisited. A bug was found for the lvlv changing the final lvlv value quite a bit (still in agreement with the SM…). The 4q channel is ok. Semileptonic checking in progress. The draft 0.99 is in good shape and will be distributed very shortly as draft 1. Then work to incorporate 189 GeV.

Single W cross section at 189 GeV will be available for the Aleph Week. Difficult to have the couplings with the new official package (TCGFITTER). It was felt that we should make an effort to have them the old way (Reiseburo for help !). The TGC group is short of manpower.

3) Detector Effects (Franco)

The jet corrections using data taken in 94 have been studied by Franco and Marie-Noelle. There is evidence of a funny structure in the very central region (around TPC membrane). The behaviour in the barrel is asymmetric. This confirms what was seen with lower statistics using last year data. The distortions are of the order of 1% so they are not particularly worrying, still would like to understand the origin and to model them. The exact form of the updated jet corrections (function ? bin by bin as decided in Glasgow ?) to be used at very short notice will be techincally sorted out by Franco with Ann and Helenka.

On a different subject Andrea performed an analytical study using his tool to evaluate the impact of possible angular biases on the W mass. He tried 3,6,10 mrad biases (in the direction opposite with respect to the beam pipe) in the full detector, barrel only and endcap only. Two clear peaks are seen as effect of different topologies. The average evt by evt shift for, say, 6 mrad in the full detector is 24 MeV, for endcap only is 10 MeV. Impact on the reweighting to be evaluated.

4) Z-gamma (Benjamin and Eugeni).

Benjamin studied in details the e+/e- energy asymmetry at 183 and 189 GeV using the LEP energy calibration group files. The average asymmetry is about (not luminosity weighted) –70 MeV at 183 and +20 MeV at 189. The idea is to check the papillon at 183 GeV, if related to the energy asymmetry should be larger and the other way around.

Eugeni checked the reconstructed energy in the 3 regions, he found less pronounced effect than Benjamin using qqbar and no effect using dimuons (which are statistically limited).

Differences in the selection between Ben and Eu under study (different treatment of sical/ecal clusters and large angle gammas).

5) W mass with taus (Helenka).

With the new cuts reported at Glasgow 15% of events are recovered. The slope and offeset of the calibration curve are OK. The effect of categorization has been reported in detail. Four different kind of categorazations have been tried, getting an error somewhat reduced but sometime asymmetric. The 4th way, which is categorizing in single prong and in 2/3 prongs seems interesting, but the 2/3 prongs shows a slope significantly lower than 1. This is under investigation.

More in general Helenka discussed the various option for final semileptonics at 189 GeV. It has to be decided which improvement is advanced enough to be incorporated in the final paper.

6) Semileptonic studies (Rick for Oliver)

Oliver compared the measurement of the mass with the reweighting (RW) and a simple Breit-Wigner in the electron and muon channels . In particular he has been checking the calibration curves and the consistency between the two approaches. The slope and offsets are significantly different from 1 for the muons both for the BW and the RW. A discussion followed about the statistical significance of the effect and the possible reasons. Here are some numbers for MC subsamples :

BW electrons slope = 0.99 +/- 0.02 offset = 80.53 +/- 0.013

BW muons slope = 0.92 +/- 0.02 offset = 80.52+/-0.012

RW electrons slope = 1.03 +/- 0.02 offset = 80.34 +/- 0.02

RW muons slope = 0.95 +/- 0.02 offset = 80.39+/-0.017

When the two methods are applied to data consistency between BW and RW is seen only by recalibrating the muons for the RW. There are different opinions about what to do and the interpretation of these numbers, these discussions have to be continued offline to reach a conclusion.

7) X-section 189 GeV LDA 4q (Franco)

Franco has reminded the audience about the various LDA’s with N variables he has produced. He can get reasonable eff/pur with 4 variables. He can also avoid the use of y34, however this variable is still used in the preselection. He has done a try without this in preselection and didn’t see big variation. He presented for the first time the CC03 corrected numbers. For 4 variables he gets s(WW[4q]) = 6.69 +/- 0.26 pb . Hope to have final systematics for the Aleph Week. Later will produce also calorimetric selection.

8) X-section at 189 GeV (Patrice)

Two channels (lvlv and qqlv) are basically finished. Systematics to be finished for the 4q channel. In particular should do the BE, CR and fragmentation studies. The y34 checks should be done. An effort has to be made for the Aleph Week, if we want to have the cross section at 189 GeV final for Tampere. Looks tight but we could do this !

9) X-section at 192 GeV lvlv (Maria)

Everything in shape and very reasonable. Full statistics analysed for first 26.106 pb-1 (see Brigitte news) . Very nice events shown. Still use eff/bkg from 189 but computation from 19x MC in progress and seems very similar. Very preliminary result is s(WW[lvlv]) = 1.55+0.34-0.30 pb

10) X-section at 192 GeV the rest(Anne)

Everything in shape and very reasonable. Full statistics analysed for first 26.106 pb-1 (see Brigitte news) . The quasi-online tools is operational. For the 4q use simple cut instead of shape fit but OK for preliminary result.

Very preliminary result is

s(WW[lvqq]) = 7.17+/- 0.61 pb and s(WW[4q]) = 8.37+/- 0.6 pb

Total cross section is as expected from SM.

Finally …… two very nice semileptonics from 196 GeV were shown, courtesy of Paolo who catched them ! Will put on the Web.

11) Papers from Tampere (Roberto)

Evolution from situation at Glasgow : BE paper (draft 1) is available. Nicely written, could hope to have draft 2 for the aleph week. If so this could be sent to Tampere. Similar situation for leptonic mass paper. Here we hope to have also lvlv at 189 GeV to be added to the general W mass (likely to remain the Winter Conf mass for Tampere). Hope to have final X-section (see above). Hope to have single W at 189 GeV (see above). Hope to have more distributions and understanding of multiplicity studies so we could send updated contributed paper. Happy to have new 192 GeV prel. X-section. Next 10 days are crucial ……..