**************************************** * Minutes of the April 4th meeting * * of the "Ew paper working group". * **************************************** Most likely the next electroweak paper will be splitted into two parts: 1. Asymmetry paper (coordinated by H. Videau) 2. Cross-sections + SM fits. This will allow us to proceed in a faster way. If the two documents will be ready at the same time, they can always be merged at a later stage. Both papers will include all of LEP1 data taken between 1990 and 1995. It has been decided to drop the 1989 data. ON THE CROSS-SECTION PAPER: It is going to be prepared in a "democratic way" by the people of the working group. In particular each section will be responsibility of the person(s) doing the corresponding analysis. Since this publication is going to be the final EW one , at least for what concerns the "standard analyses", all selections should be explained with some detail (not only referencing previous publications). This emplies that the paper will be submitted to Zeit. f. Phys. More important: THE ANALYSES SHOULD BE HOMOGENEOUS so they should be repeated if the older cuts and the present ones differ. Using all data, the systematic errors will dominate the statistical errors for the lepton channels. THE DIFFERENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SYSTEMATIC ERRORS SHOULD BE RECONSIDERED IN DETAIL. Some errors that were adeguate when the statistics was lower are not adeguate now. *everybody should check if the existing MC is sufficient, especially for off-peak points. *if the MC will be redone, we have to use the same JULIA version in data and MC *do we need reprocessing of the old data? --> investigate all these points before next meeting. Two run selections exist for 1995: EW(fill 2852<-->3042) for cross-section measurements and EA for asymmetries. Some specific comments and questions for the different channels: taus: cuts changed from 94 onwards. The previous years should be analysed in the same way. There is no obvious way to improve the systematics. e+e-: UNIBAB replaced BABAMC in 93 --> data 1990-1992 should be reanalysed with UNIBAB. Should we keep on subtracting the t-channel contribution? Should we change the angular acceptance cut to reduce the t-channel contribution? No more studies on this were done after 1990. mu+mu-: reanalyse all data with the same program and cuts and with MC statistics improved. Also, what about the systematic error associated to radiative events (0.15%)? Is this evaluation still correct if KORL07 is used instead of KORl06? A program by Martinez, Miquel exists to generate mumugg events. hadrons: All data have already been analysed in a homogeneous way with the TPC selection. The calo selection is homogenous since 1991. The 1990 selection will be redone. lumi: LCAL measured lumi till sept. 1992. SICAL: 92 no change 93 propagate 0.07% correction due to new measurement of distance between the counters on two sides of the interaction point 94 finished 95 bunch train period, results before summer BHLUMI: a teoretical error of 0.11% can be used in the analysis Just to be clear: there is no intention to change the analyses in a radical way, but rather 1. to improve things which can obviously be improved (such as, for ex. the MC statistics). 2. to rethink a bit of decisions which were taken at the beginning (when we had less data and we knew less) and never rediscussed. 3. to treat all data in a homogeneous way . What precisely needs to be done for the various channels should be established soon and will represent the basis of a talk that Monica was asked to give at the next Aleph week (subject: what is still to be done in the EW sector..) Other, entirely new analyses are of course possible and welcome. Work in this respect is going on by Edwige Tournefier and Ioana Videau who are trying to reanalyse all leptons and aim at reducing the systematic errors significantly. Preliminary results are likely to be shown sometimes in the summer. The ambitious aim is to complete the work on the cross-sections in time for the summer conferences, in particular for the ALEPH week of june 24 (at least the numbers and a draft). This was considered possible by all the people present at the meeting with some reservations from the Bhabha group. Marie-Noelle and Monica expressed their intention to help with this analysis. The group is going to meet regularly. Minutes will always be distributed. Next meetings: April 11th April 23 15h.