******************************************* * Minutes of the EW task force (15-may) * ******************************************* 1) Henri providede a list of the MC events that he has produced for 94 taus and muons: Run 914 tau 94 bandes AL6541 files 1 a 5 et AL6542 files 1 a 5 Run 924 tau 94 bandes AL6543 files 1 a 5 et AL6544 files 1 a 5 Run 934 tau 94 bandes AL6545 files 1 a 5 et AL6546 files 1 a 5 Run 944 mu 94 bandes AL6547 files 1 a 5 et AL6548 files 1 a 5 These tapes are 3490 multifiles. 2) Monica has generated bhabhas at P-2 and P+2 using UNIBAB2.2 Run 810 bhabha 95 ECM 92.970 tapes AC7490 AC7491 AC7492 files 1 Run 820 bhabha 95 ECM 89.438 tapes AC7493 AC7494 AC7495 files 1 These 30000 + 30000 events. None of these tapes (neither Henri's nor Monica's) appears for the moment in Scanbook. 3) Brigitte has modified KORALZ in order to produce events with s-channel only. Henri will use these events to study the Bhabha efficiency for the s and t-channels separately. 4) Andrea has produced muon cross-sections for 93-95. A status report will be given at tomorrow's EW meeting. This week there will be no meeting of the EW task-force due to the EW meeting scheduled for tomorrow.