*********************************** * Minutes of the EWWG Meeting * * 15 oct 1996 * *********************************** 1. Hadrons Arnaud is still working on the note which will describe the TPC/CALO selections and give the final LEP1 results. The note should be ready in a couple of weeks. 2. LUMI Also the final '95 luminosity note is well in progress. Brigitte has produced a large statistics sample at P, P-2 (KINGAL level) using BHLUMI 4.04. The results are perfectly consistent with those obtained using the previous version of BHLUMI. In the end, the simulation statistical error should be reduced from 0.060% down to 0.026%, the theory error will go from 0.16% to 0.11% and the total lumi error from 0.187% to 0.137%. '93 and '94 will also be rerun with the new generator and the correct geometry, to be able to consistently use the 0.11% theoretical error. 3.taus Work is proceeding. The deadline of having final or quasi-final results for the next general EW meeting (15 november) should be met . Gerri will present some results at the EWWG meeting of next week. 4.muons Andrea has continued his studies on PECO and Gampex photons, coming to the conclusion that (contrary to what said before) he will use the Gampex photons. With this choice, in fact, the background from tau pairs is reduced. However, the difference between PECO and Gampex energies will be used to estimate the systematic uncertainties. Andrea has also performed a study of the ITC trigger efficiency, by using Bhabha events passing the total energy trigger. The ITC trigger is found to be 100% efficient. AOB Following a point raised by Jacques in Clermond, it was decided to discuss next week how to treat the llV background. Bolek will report on that after discussing with the experts (i.e. Manel). It was also discussed whether the paper should be written in the form of a long and detailed paper ("Phys.Report style") or in a more compact way. It was felt that, since this would be the final LEP1 paper on EW results, the first option would be preferable. In this case lineshape and asymmetries would be merged in a single publication. However it clearly implies a lot more work. The discussion will continue. Next meeting: tuesday 22 oct at 14:30 in the small ALEPH room.