****************************************** * Minutes of the EW Task Force Meeting * * * * 3-09-96 * ****************************************** 1. Luminosity Brigitte told us that a note with the final luminosity numbers for '95 is in preparation. The main thing which is left to be done is to run with the final version of BHLUMI, in order to reduce the luminosity theoretical error to the present value of Jadach et al. This should take about two, three weeks. Meanwhile, some additional systematic checks will be performed. She also pointed out that at present in Scanbook the nb of Bhabhas/run is not corrected for downscaling, while the nb Bhabhas/wagon is corrected. This mismatch will however be fixed. 2. taus Anna informed us on the status of the tau cross-section analysis. The analysis for the 94-95 data is essentially finished (there are still some checks to be done at the MC level.) For all the other years, n-tuples have already been produced. Gerardo Ganis will take care of the background studies. 3. muons Andrea told us that for the standard analysis, n-tuples are available for all years. Some more muon MC might be necessary for both 94-95 (Marcello will be contacted on this point) and for the old data at P+-1 and P+-3. For this last MC production , it has to be established whether one can for example use 91 geometry with the present version of JULIA, etc. Comparison with the analysis performed by Imma Riu has shown a 1.7 sigma discrepancy at P+2 for 93 and 95 data. More work has to be done to understand this difference. Moreover Andrea pointed out a discrepancy between data and MC (last version of Koralz) in the photon energy distribution for radiative dimuon events, which is being investigated. Andrea estimates that quasi-final results should be ready in a month. 4. qqbar Marie-Noelle told us that all the data have been processed, including 90 and 91. The systematics associated with event rotation for the early years of data taking will be bigger due to the more limited statistics. A list of nb events/run will be provided for all the years from 90 to 93. A note is in preparation by MN and Arnaud with the details of the calorimetric and TPC selections. 5. Bhabhas A message from Lee was received by Monica just after the meeting. Lee informs us that as far as the Bhabha analysis is concerned a large fraction of the work is now done, i.e. Monte Carlo using UNIBAB, calculation of acceptance and t-channel subtraction at all root(s) and generation of the n-tuples for all years. What remains is some background studies and then a study of the systematics. AOB It was decided to keep on having informal weekly meetings and to have the next general EW meeting at the ALEPH week in Clermond. In that occasion final or quasi final results should be presented to the collaboration. The next informal meeting has been scheduled for friday sept.13 at 15:00 in the small ALEPH room. As usual, if you cannot be present, send a brief status report by mail. It was also pointed out that analysis and writing of the paper should proceed in parallel and therefore for each analysis a small note should be written with the idea of being the starting point for a section of the final paper.