Minutes of EW meeting 13-march-1997 ************************************* 1. Hadrons : a preliminary copy of the note by Arnaud on qq selection was given by Marie Noelle. She still wanted to check a few things and after the ps will be made available on our web page. 2. The question of the two peak periods in 91 (whether to split them or put them together in one point) was discussed again. It was suggested that Bolek should try the fit in the two cases to see whether there is any difference between the two options (none is expected). 3. Gerri gave Monica a preliminary version of the note on background studies which is almost complete. He also presented some additional studies, not yet included in the note, to address the question of the different estimate of the hadronic background w.r.t. Edwige. His study showed that the "single hemisphere" variables are well simulated by the qq Monte Carlo. To estimate the effect of correlations he has randomly combined broken events and then compared distributions and effects of cuts on data and Monte Carlo. As a consequence of the reasonable agreement observed, he estimated that the error on the qq contamination should be 15%, where this error is the statistical error associated to the procedure used. This study will be written down, in order to compare with what Edwige and Ioana have done. A second note on the efficiency is being completed. 4. Andrea will take care of propagating the information on then Web, so, if you want to change something on our page, please get in touch with him. 5. Some short status report on the so-called llv events, which always produce some confusion, are promised by Frederic and Ioana. 6. Monica keeps on adding material to the draft, but clearly INPUT is needed by the different analysis groups. PLEASE PROVIDE SOME MATERIAL FOR YOUR SECTION! 7. Next meeting: thursday 27 at 14:00; room to be announced