The "querelle" with CLEO

The story

The story starts last summer ('99) with the review talk of Marina Artuso in Tampere. The talk is completely biased towards CLEO results, anything else is treated quickly and superficially.

Not yet happy with that, she does worse in her write-up (1), where some LEP (and SLD) results are explicitely treated as unreliable.

This causes the reaction of Patrick Roudeau (convener of the HF steering group), who circulates inside the group a rather emotional proposal of mail (2).

After several iterations inside the group, a quite different mail is sent (3), much longer and detailed (and purged of too "informal" words...).

Marina's reply comes in three "chapters" (4) (5) (6), between Nov 28th and Dec 20th.

Before we reply to the reply, a mail comes from Sheldon Stone, whose tone is, to say the least, surprising (7).

Patrick sends a personal reply to Professor Stone (8).

.... and more will come!

The files

(1) The proceedings by Marina Artuso (gzipped ps file).

(2) First proposal of mail from Patrick Roudeau.

(3) Mail eventually sent by the HF steering group.

(4) Reply from Marina Artuso - part I.

(5) Reply from Marina Artuso - part II.

(6) Reply from Marina Artuso - part III.

(7) Mail from Sheldon Stone.

(8) Reply of Patrick Roudeau to Sheldon Stone.

If you have comments about what you read, please send them to me.
Duccio Abbaneo.

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