Mdclient - Perl API to AMGA metadata service


The Perl module contains the Mdclient class which supports X509 certificate, grid proxy or password based authentication to a AMGA server over SSL as well as operation without SSL.

To use the Mdclient class include a

use Mdclient;

statement. A script mdtest with usage examples for most methods is shipped with the module.


Mdclient uses the Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::INET modules as the APIs to openssl and sockets. Mdclient was tested with Net::SSLeay version 1.26 patched to support SSL session caching. Versions >1.26 are realeased with SSL session caching functionality, so that no patching is needed.


new - constructor

 $cl = Mdclient->new(   Host => <host>,
                        Port => <port>,
                        Login => <user name>,
                        [Password => <password>,]
                        [Debug => 1,]

requireSSL - use SSL

 $cl->requireSSL(<key file path>, <cert file path>);
 In case of grid proxy based authentication both arguments of requireSSL
 must point to the grid proxy file.

addAttr - add attributes to collection

 $code = $cl->addAttr(<path>, %attr);
 %attr hash: its keys are attribute names, its values are attribute values.

addEntries - add entries

 $code = $cl->addEntries(<list of entry paths>);

addEntry - add entry with attributes

 $code = $cl->addEntry(<entry path>[, %attr]);
 The keys of the optional %attr hash are attribute names and its values
 are attribute  values.

cd - change working directory

 $code = $cl->cd(<dir path>);

clearAttr - clear attributes

 $code = $cl->clearAttr(<entry path>, <attribute name>);

commit - commit upload

 $code = $cl->commit;

createDir - create directory

 $code = $cl->createDir(<directory path>[, @keys]);
 @keys is an optional list of keywords)

dir - list directory

 $code = $cl->dir([<directory path>]);

disconnect - disconnect from AMGA server.

 If <mode> is 1 saves current SSL session. If <mode> is 2 calls exit 
 method to ensure destruction of session by server. If <mode> is not set
 session will not be saved and exit will not be called (useful, when 
 server does not allow sessions or exit was called before).

eot - used with the iterator methods getEntry, getSelectAttrEntry and fetchRow. Returns true when no entries/rows are left.

 while($cl->eot) {..}

fetchRow - used to fetch next line of output from AMGA server (streaming).

 $line = $cl->fetchRow;
 $line will contain next line of output from AMGA server.

find - list entry names matching path pattern and fulfilling the query with their attributes

 $code = $cl->find(<path pattern>, <query>);

getAttr - get attributes of entries

 $code = $cl->getAttr(<path pattern>, @attr);
 @attr is a list of attribute names.

getEntry - get one entry requested by getAttr method

 ($entry, @values) = $cl->getEntry;
 @values list: contains values corresponding to @attr from getAttr method.

getErrorMsg - get last error message

 $msg = $cl->getErrorMsg;

getSelectAttrEntry - retrieve one entry requested by selectAttr method.

 @values = $cl->getSelectAttrEntry;
 @values list: contains values corresponding to @attr from selectAttr method.

listAttr - list attributes

 ($code, %res) = $cl->listAttr(<directory path>);
 %res hash: the keys are attribute names, the values are attribute types.

put - inserts a new entry during upload. Errors are returned by the call immediately, OK is delayed until upload is commited.

 $code = $cl->put(<entry>, @values);
 <entry> is the name of the entry to be inserted, @values is a list of 
 attribute values.

pwd - print working directory

 ($code, $directory) = $cl->pwd;
 $directory will contain the working directory.

removeAttr - remove attribute from collection

 $code = $cl->removeAttr(<directory path>, <attribute name>);

rmdir - remove directory

 $code = $cl->rmdir(<directory path>);

rm - remove entries

 $code = $cl->rm(<pattern string>[, <option>]);
 <option> is optional and being set to 'r' it makes rm recursively.

schemaCreate - create collection with attributes

 $code = $cl->schemaCreate(<directory path>[, %attr]);
 The keys of the optional %attr hash are attribute names, the values are 
 attribute types.

selectAttr - select attributes from several collections based on a condition doing an inner join on the collections based on a join condition

 $code = $cl->selectAttr(<query>, @attr);
 @attr is a list of attribute names.

setAttr - set attributes

 $code = $cl->setAttr(<entry path>, %attr);
 %attr hash: the keys are attribute names, the values are attribute values.

stat - return information on a given entry or directory. Alias for ls -Pmgl

 $code = $cl->stat(<path>);

updateAttr - update attributes

 $code = $cl->updateAttr(<path pattern>, <query>, %attr);
 %attr hash: the keys are attribute names, the values are attribute values.

upload - upload entries in transaction

 $code = $cl->upload(<directory path>[, @attr]);
 @attr is a list of attribute names.

put - insert a new entry during upload

 $code = $cl->put(<entry name>, @values);
 @values is a list of attribute values;


 Most methods from section above (excepted createDir and schemaCreate) may also 
 be used with a File Catalog.

mkdir - create directory for file entries

 $code = $cl->mkdir(<directory path>[, @keys]);
 @keys is an optional list of keywords

ls - list files in a directory

 $code = $cl->ls([<path>[, <options>]]);
 Both arguments are optional. If given, <options> is a string of options, 
 e.g. "lmP".

lfn_lookup - Look up LFN's for a list of given GUID's

 $code = $cl->lfn_lookup(@guids);
 @guids is a list of GUIDs.

replica_add - adds a replica at SURL to the replicas of the file with the given GUID

 $code = $cl->replica_add(<GUID>, <SURL>);

replica_get - list the SURL replicas of files given as GUIDs or LFNs

 $code = $cl->replica_get(<option>, @list);
 If <option> is "l" @list is assumed to contain LFNs, else @list is assumed
 to contain GUIDs.

replica_list - lists the sites with replicas of files given as GUIDs or LFNs

 $code = $cl->replica_list(<option>, @list);
 If <option> is "l" @list is assumed to contain LFNs, else @list is assumed
 to contain GUIDs.

replica_register - Registers a site to a central catalog that has a certain file

 $code = $cl->replica_register(<GUID>, <site>);

replica_remove - removes a replica for a GUID

 $code = $cl->replica_remove(<replica>[, <GUID>]);

replica_unregister - unregisters replica on a site at a central catalog

 $code = $cl->replica_unregister(<GUID>, <site>);


site_add - registers a site

 $code = $cl->site_add(<site>, <host>, <port>);
 <site> is a site name, <host> a hostname, <port> the port number.

site_get_property - gets one or more configuration properties of a site

 $code = $cl->site_get_property(<site>, @property_names);
 @property_names is a list of property names.

site_list - lists all sites and their ID

 $code = $cl->site_list;

site_list_properties - lists all configuration properties of a site

 $code = $cl->site_list_properties(<site>);

site_remove - removes a site

 $code = $cl->site_remove(<site>);
 <site> is a site name, represented as a string.

site_set_property - updates one or more configuration properties of a site

 $code = $cl->site_set_property(<site>, %properties);
 The %properties hash keys are property names and its values are property 

rep_allow - grants to <group> the right to replicate <directory> and all its subdirectories

 $code = $cl->rep_allow(<directory>, <group>);

rep_disallow - remove from <group> the right to replicate <directory> and all its subdirectories

 $code = $cl->rep_disallow(<directory>, <group>);

rep_list_mounts - lists all mount points

 $code = $cl->rep_list_mounts;

rep_list_subscribers - show the current subscribers and their subscriptions

 $code = $cl->rep_list_subscribers;

rep_mount - mounts a directory from the server running at the given address

 $code = $cl->rep_mount(<master>, <remoteDirectory>, <permissions>);
 <permissions> - is a string of corresponding letters (no leading '-')

rep_mount_users - replicate user and groups information from a remote node

 $code = $cl->rep_mount_users(<master>);

rep_show_permissions - show the replication rights for all directories

 $code = $cl->rep_show_permissions;

rep_start_receive - connects to the master and starts listening for the logs of all mount points from this master

 $code = $cl->rep_start_receive(<master>);

rep_start_receive - stops listening for the logs of all mount points from this master

 $code = $cl->rep_stop_receive(<master>);

rep_umount - unmounts a replication point, local data is deleted

 $code = $cl->rep_umount(<remoteDirectory>);

rep_umount_users - drops the user and group information that was being replicated from a master

 $code = $cl->rep_umount_users;

