
Configuring the AMGA Server and the Replicatin Daemon

The AMGA metadata server amgad the AMGA replication daemon mdservermt.config are configured using the amgad.config file. By default, they share the same configuration file, but by using the -c command line option it is possible to specify a different configuration file for each. Nevertheless, the format of the configuration is similar for both programs.

Format of the Configuration File

Every line of the file contains a key value pair seperated by an equal (=) sign. Blank space is ignored around the equal sign and the end of the line. Keys may not contain any white space but white space in the value is allowed. To have white space at the beginning of a value (after the =) or at the end (at the end of the line), escape it with a backslash (\ ). Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) at the end of a line (white space after the \ is ignored). Comments can be put at the beginning or end of a line after a hash-sign (#). The escape character is the backslash (\). The following escape sequences exist:

The configuration file is divided into two sections. The first, consisting of settings defined in the global section, contains generic server options. The second section is called Replication and contains all the settings controlling replication. Sections are opened like this:



Example of a server configuration file

  # Server options
  Port=8822 # Default 8822
  MinProcesses = 2
  MaxProcesses = 50 # Default: 50
  Mode = process # process (default) or thread mode
  # initThreadNumber = 8
  # MaxConnectsPerProcess = 1000000

  Report = enable

  # Database options
  # The DataSource option must match a data source name in the odbc.ini file

  # Session options
  Sessions = allow       # Values are: no allow force
  IdleTimeout = 1200     # Timeout for a connection/query in sec [20m default]
  SessionTimeout = 86400 # Timeout for a session in the cache in sec
  MaxSessionSize = 3000  # The maximum size that pesistent session info can have

  # Connection limits
  #MaxConnectsPerUser = -1  # Maximum concurrent connections per user
  #ReservedConnections = -1 # Number of connections reserved for root

  # Secure Connections
  UseSSL = 1

  # Authentication options
  RequireAuthentication = 0 # If this is off, no authentication is done!
  AllowCertificateAuthentication = 1
  AllowPasswordAuthentication = 1
  # If you use SSL, you need to load server certificates:
  CertFile = cert.pem
  KeyFile = key.pem
  # If Certificate based authentication allowed, you need to load server certs
  # TrustedCertDir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
  # AllowGridProxyLogin = 1            # Requires also AllowCertificateAuthentication

  # Authorization options, choose 0 or more
  #MapFile = /etc/grid-map-file       # Authorization based on certs
  # Authorization based on certifictes, put a list of VOMS URL and assigned users, here:
  #VOMSGroups = https://lcg-voms.cern.ch:8443/voms/lhcb/services/VOMSAdmin?method=listMembers, lhcb, \
  #             https://kuiken.nikhef.nl:8443/voms/picard/services/VOMSAdmin?method=listMembers, picard
  UserDB = 1 # Authorization based on certs & passwords
  #VOGroupMap =
  #VirtualOrganizations = gildav(gilda) # vo1(defaultUser1), vo2, vo3(defaultUser2)...
  #VOGroupMap = gildav:/gildav(gildav:users)
  #VOUserMap = gildav:/gildav/Role=TrailersManager(gildav)
  #MyProxyHack = 1 # Allow roles in MyProxy certificates for login

  # Replication settings
  # Settings for the master
  EnableMaster = 0

  # The remaining slaves are for slave nodes
  EnableSlave = 1

Description of the server options

The following options are supported:

Replication Settings

The following options control the replication system. They should be defined on the replication section of the configuration file, otherwise AMGA will either not recognize them or will understand them as referring to one of the generic settings, since some names are equal.

These two settings are used by master nodes:

The following settings are used by slave nodes:

For the rest of the options see User Management .

Federation Settings

The following options control the federation system.

Generated on Mon Apr 16 13:59:18 2012 for AMGA by  doxygen 1.4.7