Changing to gcc-2.95.2

Is it already installed?

gcc-2.95.2 is already installed on lxplus and some other CERN Linux clusters. You can check by typing
ls /usr/local/gcc-alt-2.95.2. If you're on an external machine and you're not sure if it's installed or not you need to ask your local systems administrator.

It's not installed. How do I install it?

If you're on a CERN afs machine and it's not already installed you can get it via the tkwsm easy-installation service (you need the root password!). Go here for instructions (and please inform us immediately if the link is broken!). If you're on a non-CERN machine without gcc-2.95.2 you should consult your local systems administrator, or download it from the gcc web site or ask us for help.

OK, now it's installed in directory /foo/bar. How do I set it to be the default?

All you need to do is tweak your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables. For sh or bash you should do the following:
export MY_GCC_295=/foo/bar
export PATH=${MY_GCC_295}/bin:${PATH}
and for csh or tcsh the syntax is:
setenv MY_GCC_295 /foo/bar
setenv PATH ${MY_GCC_295}/bin:${PATH}
As before, you can put this in your .login script to save typing in future.