Production cache

Release Coordinator:
System Requirements:
Project AtlasProduction:
Cache notes:
### Production Cache
(3rd October 2007)

   This is the first production cache created with the release 13.0.30.  
The expectations after the tests done are:   

 + Event generation seems to be working 
 + AtlFast seems to be working  
 + Simulation & digitization seems to be working
 + Simulation using LArParametrization seems to be working in the 3 possible levels 
 + Simulation+digits with Heavy Ions should be possible 
 + Full Reconstruction with trigger seems to be working
 + New transforms for AtlFastII are failing   

The cache uses DBrelease 4.2.1 and trigger mark 'DEFAULT'  

Known problems: 
- The PileUp &  TAG  were not fixed in this cache.


Uses DbRelease 4.2.1 

Tags on top of 13.0.30

(1)CaloTools-00-02-02 Calorimeter/

 It fixes bug in  CaloNoiseTool::estimatedTileGain(). 
Invalid identifier was sent to TileInfo::ChannelCalib()
and this could provoke crash in some cases.
The changes are only in CaloNoiseTool.cxx

(2)RegionSelector-03-02-11 DetectorDescription/

 fix bug #29375. Some LAr detectors are missing from the list around phi=2pi, caused by rounding errors

(3)EvgenJobTransforms-00-05-23 Generators/

  the transform was not handling correctly input and/or output tar'ed ASCII evgen files named like so: FOO.tar.gz.N where N is a retrial numberiteration. There is no bug report for this issue.
 Update also the csc_{read,write} scripts to import
evgenConfig from EvgenJobOptions.EvgenConfig rather than from
(4)InDetTrigParticleCreation-00-04-20-01 InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/

 It addresses two issues:it allows for event data size reduction (some track collections can be selected and others not, by key) and
fixes error messages when steering is run without copying features to
the StoreGate. This problem was discovered when running RDO->BS job. I

(5)LArDigitization-03-02-02 LArCalorimeter/

 This is a python-only modification, to choose the correct LAr DB tag
in digitization, depending on the G4 physics list used in simulation.
There is no bug-report --- this is new functionality that we were
asked to prepare for 13.0.30.

(6) LArG4FastSimulation-00-02-11-07 LArCalorimeter/LArG4/

 This tag includes only an update of the FCAL sampling fraction used by the parameterization for release 13.
(7)  MooPerformance-00-06-10 MuonSpectrometer/Moore/
(8)  MuonRecRTT-00-00-06 MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonRecValidation/

These are pure RTT packages and so will not affect the standard reconstruction. But it would be very useful to have those included in the pcache for RTT to verify the muon reconstruction performance for 13.0.30.
  There are no changes in header or cxx files, just changes in the job options and xml configuration file.
  Changes are to run calo topo clusters in MuonRecRTT for the CaloLR muons, and to produce the muon calibration ntuple in the MooPerformance jobs (very useful for detailed performance studies).
(9) MuonRecValidator-00-00-18 MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/

 Package to make performance analysis using muon physics channels.
Added RTT support and related ROOT macros.

(10) MuonValUtils-00-00-12 MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/

  Utilities to run MuonRecValidator, changes to fix a small bug and load trigger information from AOD.

(11) RecJobTransforms-00-05-64 Reconstruction/

  -  a new trf option ( ) provided by Tim and requested/suported by Wouter, 
  -  the reduction on a number of events of 1 RTT test which fails because the job takes too long.

(12) RecTPCnv-00-01-02-01 Reconstruction/

  There's a problem with the P->T converter for MuonSpShowerContainer
in 13.0.30: it doesn't clear the transient container before appending
more data to it.  In AthenaROOTAccess, this means that that on each event,
the transient container will contain the objects from all previous events.
(13) HIRecExample-00-02-04 Reconstruction/HeavyIonRec/

  This package contains only python scripts for configuration of
heavy ion reconstruction. It should allow running a limited version of
heavy ion reconstruction in a production environment.
(14) HIValidation-00-01-00 Reconstruction/HeavyIonRec/

  This package is used only for RTT tests and contains only python
and ROOT scripts for configuration of tests. This version should provide
a cleaner environment for heavy ion tests and display of results.

(15) MuonIsolationTools-00-06-04 Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/

  This tag (together with CaloTrkMuId-00-03-50) fixes a configuration problem
that overwrites the default parameters of CaloTrkMuITools package.The changes
are only at python level

(16) CaloTrkMuId-00-03-50 Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/

   This tag  (together with MuonIsolationTools-00-06-04) fixes the above mention 
configuration problem. In addition it provides with isolation tags to the extra muons
that CaloMuonLikelihoodTool (in CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-03-08)  adds to  ESD/AOD containers.  
This cuts are necessary because otherwise the number of fakes  would blow.
 Changes are in .cxx and python.
(17) CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-03-08 Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/

  This tag has a  fix a major bug in the CaloMuonLikelihoodTool that causes the efficiency to be very low.
  Also contains changes that are compatible with the python changes in CaloTrkMuId-00-03-50.
  This tag has changes in .cxx

(18)  RecExAnaTest-00-00-54 Reconstruction/RecExample/

  fix typo in ATN bs reading test test RecExAnaTest_TestConfiguration#RecExAnaTest_bs1_bstoesd 
Change is only in xml fil

(19) RecExRecoTest-00-00-54 Reconstruction/RecExample/
(20) RecExTrigTest-00-00-29 Reconstruction/RecExample/

   It reduce the test stat from 500 to 300, avoiding to hit the time limit, and lowering the disk use.

(21) G4AtlasApps-00-02-03-16 Simulation/G4Atlas/

   It implements support for new commissioning layouts (ATLAS-Comm-03-*), 
and some changes to shower parameterization. 
(22) G4Field-00-00-63 Simulation/G4Utilities/

   It implements some modifications solving a bug in the tilting of the field found by Laurent Chevalier.

(23) TrigEgammaRec-01-01-14 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/

  This is a bug fix (#29907). Electron and Photon identification was not working properly - isEM bit was always set to zero. The problem was coming from the use of specific container names in the offline particle identification code
(24) TrigMoore-00-01-27 Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/

- bugs #29938, project Atlas Trigger TAPM - no new functionality
no bundled packages
- MemLeak check with Hephaestus
- Robusteness with 
(25) TrigNtBphys-00-00-11 Trigger/TrigAnalysis/

  fix for bug #29830 (one of 3 trigger problems reported by prod team for

(26) TrigBSExtraction-00-00-05 Trigger/TrigEvent/

 This one fixes a bug (not in Savannah) of a crash in the absence of an EFResult in BS data. There is no knew functionality. This would be a problem for the FDR.
(27)  TrigBjetHypo-00-02-41 Trigger/TrigHypothesis/

   fix bug in TrigBjetFex that seriously effects LVL2 btagging performance

(28) TrigEgammaHypo-00-06-78 Trigger/TrigHypothesis/

   It only includes a python change in two files (to change an ET
threshold of one menu and to change the isem bit flags from 0x7 to
0xFF so that after changes to TrigEgammaRec photon and
electrons apply same selection) 
(29) TrigTauHypo-00-01-40 Trigger/TrigHypothesis/

    This tag fixes 2 important bugs - protection against division on zero and
wrong calculation of dPhi (in some cases). Significant for performance of
tau trigger in 13.0.30.  
(30) TriggerTest-00-01-38 Trigger/TrigValidation/

    The package is purely a test package with scripts, test topoptions for ATN/RTT and reference files. It is not used in production, but it has been updated with reference files for 13.0.30 and some small changes to the tests so it will be easier for us to spot any problems that appear in the pcache nightlies


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