VP1Doc: Visualising calorimeter clusters

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This page explains how to visualize ATLAS Calorimeter clusters in VP1. The functionality is provided by the VP1 Calo Cluster System (contained within the VP1CaloPlugin and the VP13DCocktailPlugin)

Starting VP1 Calo Cluster System

In order to start the VP1 Calo Cluster system, first you need to load the appropriate plugin. This can be done either of the following ways: After successful completion of this phase, you need to enable VP1 Calo Cluster system by selecting Clusters checkbox on the General tab of the VP1 controller. As a result of this operation VP1 Calo Clusters system is initialized and its GUI becomes available (new Clusters tab on the controller).

Displaying various Calo Cluster collections

The VP1 Calo Cluster system GUI dynamically adjusts itself to the event data.

The Calo Cluster system (as well as many other VP1 system) GUI dynamically adjusts itself to the event data. That is, for the given event the user is provided with possibility of seeing contents of all Calo Cluster containers available in the Store Gate (see picture above). For each such container the main Calo Cluster controller contains one check box for displaying container contents and one Material Button for changing colors of cluster objects on the 3D scene (the objects called Crystal Hits are used for this purpose).

Setting cuts

You can set various cuts for displayed clusters by using the "Cuts" dialog box.

The Cuts dialog box for setting various cuts for displayed clusters.

Configuring display characteristics

The Display dialog for configuring display characteristics of cluster objects

The length of Crystal Hit objects, used for drawing clusters on the 3D scene, can be configured through the Display dialog form. As a reference point users can take either 10 GeV energy cluster or the most energetic cluster. When the graphical representation of the reference point is changed, then automatically the lengths of all cluster objects are adjusted accordingly.

Configuring system response on cluster selection

The Interactions dialog for configuring system response on cluster selection by users

When user selects a cluster object, usually the system responds by printing out cluster specific characteristics to the message box. This default behavior can be configured through the "Interactions" dialog form. The following options are available:

Movie showcasing all this

Click to play
Start/restart movie. Direct link to movie: Flash [10.62 MB] Ogg/Theora [6.47 MB].
Todo: Document Et vs. E (also for cells)
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