VP1Doc: Saving/restoring configurations

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For most uses of VP1, a few clicks here and there should hopefully enable you to quickly visualise and investigate whatever parts of the ATLAS data you are interested in. However, sometimes it is useful to be able to store a particular configuration and restore it again at a later time.

Fortunately, saving and restoring configurations in VP1 is quite straight-forward: Simply use the "Save current tab configuration to file" option in the "Configuration" menu to save the current configuration of tabs, channels, systems, colours, collections, geometry, etc. in a special VP1 configuration file (known by the extension .vp1). Likewise, the "Load tab configuration from file" option is used to open previously saved .vp1 files and restore the tabs, channels, etc. again (the .vp1 files in your run directory and DATAPATH show up directly - for others you must use the "Browse..." option). If you already have open tabs and channels when you load a .vp1 file, you will end up with your current tabs/channels plus those saved into the .vp1 file.

It is furthermore possible to autoload .vp1 files upon startup of the application, either by supplying them on the commandline (if using the "vp1" script) or as options to VP1Alg (if using custom jobOptions). More details can be found here.

The following movie shows how to save and restore settings in a .vp1 configuration file:.

Click to play
Start/restart movie. Direct link to movie: Flash [9.21 MB] Ogg/Theora [6.35 MB].
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