ATLAS Detector Description

official web pages



Other information:



Mission:  to provide a complete, unified,  and memory-efficient description of the ATLAS detector for all of the offline software.  The most important clients we serve are the simulation, and the reconstruction.  The detector description used by these two clients is the same, and is accessed within Athena through the transient detector store. It is held in synch with changing alignment conditions.

The detector is described in terms of a standard set of geometrical primitives, and a large degree of interface customizability is provided to subsystems.

The components described in these pages are now deployed within both simulation and reconstruction.


Perfomance numbers from benchmarks of GeoModel (laptop computer, local database).  These numbers are now produced in every athena run in which geometry is initialized so you can check the numbers on your own system by looking at the file GeoModelSvx.
Detector Configuration flag = ATLAS-Rome-Initial-02

GeoModelSvc.PixelDetectorTool               SZ= 4428Kb      Time = 1.11S
GeoModelSvc.SCT_DetectorTool              SZ= 8192Kb      Time = 0.9S
GeoModelSvc.TRT_DetectorTool              SZ= 5500Kb      Time = 0.6S
GeoModelSvc.InDetServMatTool               SZ= 0Kb             Time = 0.19S
GeoModelSvc.LArBarrelDetectorTool       SZ= 1024Kb      Time = 0.91S
GeoModelSvc.LArEndcapDetectorTool    SZ= 7596Kb      Time = 2.27S
GeoModelSvc.TileDetectorTool                 SZ= 9888Kb      Time = 5.45S
GeoModelSvc.MuonDetectorTool              SZ= 12048Kb    Time = 8.39S
GeoModelSvc.BeamPipeDetectorTool      SZ= 0Kb            Time = 0.04S

Rome Production Database replica server is released.  If your performance is significantly worse than the numbers you see above, follow the instructions here.

This Replica (like the ORACLE archive) contains all of the following following tags; the status of their operation with release 10.0.0 is show here.  (This table will be completed March 22 in the DD meeting.)

Atlas version
Inner Detector
Liquid Argon Calorimeter
Tile Calorimeter
 Muon Systems
ATLAS-00 (Ancient history)

ATLAS-01 (DC2)





Please forward any discussion on Atlas detector description issues to the Detector-Description mailing list.
Please forward any errata, questions or remarks on the web pages to Joe Boudreau.