Basic usage.

To use the classes, include the header file ltmm/loader.hh into the application, and get a handle to the singleton ltmm::loader object.

#ifndef __IOSTREAM__
#include <iostream>
#ifndef __STDEXCEPT__
#include <stdexcept>
#ifndef LTMM_loader
#include <ltmm/loader.hh>
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
double cos(double x) { return 1; }

int main() 
  try {
    std::map<std::string,ltmm::symbol_list>& preloaded =
    ltmm::loader<>& loader = ltmm::loader<>::instance();    

Note that everything that has to do with the ltmm classes are put into a try block, as all the classes throw exceptions on errors. The template argument will be dealt with in Thread-safety. Having created the loader instance, it's time to put it to work, so it is asked to get a handle (load) the library libm (the normal C math library):

#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    ltmm::handle<>& handle = loader.load("");
    ltmm::handle<>& handle = loader.load("");

If the ltmm::loader<>::load member function somehow fails, it throws and ltmm::exception that contains the appropiate error message. The reason that the member function returns a reference rather than a value or a pointer, is to emphaise that the client code will always get the same handle when asking for the same library. Having a handle on the library, the application can then get a reference to any symbol the library exports:

    ltmm::symbol*   symbol = handle.find_symbol("cos");

Here the application gets a reference to the cosine function in the C maths library. Note, that ltmm::handle<>::find_symbol, always returns a new ltmm::symbol object, and it's up to the application to free the memory associated with the symbol. If caching of symbols is desired, the application can overload the ltmm::handle<> class (or wrap it) to do that. The function referenced by the ltmm::symbol can then straight forwardly be executed, and the result printed:

    ltmm::function1<double,double> cos_func(symbol);
    double result          = cos_func(0);
    std::cout << "cos(0) = " << result << std::endl;

Finally, any errors from the classes must be caught:

  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;
  return 0;

// EOF

See also:
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Last update Mon Jun 27 13:25:17 2005
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.3-20050530