
To install this package, go through the well known 3-step build process:

    make install

For the various options that you can pass to ./configure please do

    ./configure --help

Tested platforms

CPUOperating SystemCompiler
i386Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 GCC 2.95
GCC 3.2
Intel C++ 7.0
i386Windos XP (cygwin) GCC 2.95
GCC 3.2
i386Windos XPVisual C++ 6.0
i386Windos XPVisual C++ 6.0

Microsoft Visual C++

To install using Microsoft Visual C++TM, you can do it two ways: under CygWin or from Microsoft Visual StudioTM (currently not supported). I heartly recommend the Cygwin approach, as it will install everything for you.

Cygwin: In a bash shell do

    ./configure CC=`pwd`/ide/cl					\
	        CXX=`pwd`/ide/cl				\
	        CXXFLAGS="-GX"					\
	        CPPFLAGS="-D__WINDOWS__ -D__STDC__ -DR_OK=04"
  • ide/cl is a wrapper script around the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler cl.exe. The reason d'etre of this wrapper is that I use .cc to denote source files, so I need to pass the option -Tp for each source file.
  • CXXFLAGS="-GX" is to turn on exception handling in Microsoft Visual C++
  • CPPFLAGS="-D__WINDOWS__ -D__STDC__ -DR_OK=04" is to give some definitions we need for the nested library libltdl. For some reason Microsoft Visual C++ does not define __WINDOWS__ or similar, and likewise for __STDC__. R_OK is because the Microsoft system header file for access does not define symbolic names for the various flags one can pass to access

Microsoft Visual StudioTM: You can either open the workspace file ide\ltmm.dsw from the GUI, or in a command prompt run

    MSDEV ide\ltmm.dsw /MAKE 

Note, that Microsoft Visual C++, version 6 and earlier does not fully support template member functions of template classes, so the member function ltmm::loader<ThreadPolicy>::foreach_handle isn't defined on that platform.

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Last update Mon Jun 27 13:25:17 2005
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.3-20050530