Example Offline Project




This is a small example of how I would organise an offline project for an experiment. The project is build on top of the Framework package for maximum flexibility.

The example covers the following

One can run a full chain on 10 events by doing

   prompt> root -l -b -q offline/geometry/GeomRun.C 
   prompt> root -l -b -q offline/montecarlo/McRun.C 
   prompt> root -l -b -q offline/digitization/DigiRun.C
   prompt> root -l -b -q offline/reconstruction/RecoRun.C

This will produce the files geom.root, hits.root, digits.root, and reco.root, each of which contains a tree with the relevant data. The tree's have one branch per defined component.

Note, that the geometry is completely decoupled from the rest of the code, meaning that the simulation, digitization, and reconstruction code only uses the finished geometry (via TGeoManager). One therefor has the choice of making the geometry in a given step, or use a predefined geometry. Hence, one could imagine a further step, say

   prompt> root -l -b -q offline/alignment/AlignRun.C 
injected anywhere in the chain above, to correct the ideal geometry (as created by the code) for real-life differences.

The experiment used for inspiration was ALICE, and the geometry is an extreme simplifcation of ALICE detectors, with the exception of the FMD detector which is fully fleshed out. The answer to the obvious question why that detector gets preferential treatment, is that I'm working on the FMD, and I've used this small example as a testing ground for various things.

Use any TGenerator derived class you'd like. For example THijing, THijingFlow, or THijingPara from here.

Top of page Last update Thu Dec 15 12:04:19 2005
Copyright © 2004 Christian Holm Created by DoxyGen 1.4.5