
// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: Evaluator.h,v 1.3 2000/11/06 15:34:40 evc Exp $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include "CLHEP/config/CLHEP.h"

#define HepTool


 * Evaluator of arithmetic expressions with an extendable dictionary.
 * Example:
 *   #include "CLHEP/Evaluator/Evaluator.h"
 *   HepTool::Evaluator eval;
 *   eval.setStdMath();
 *   double res = eval.evaluate("sin(30*degree)");
 *   if (eval.status() != HepTool::Evaluator::OK) eval.print_error();
 * @author Evgeni Chernyaev <>
class Evaluator {

   * List of possible statuses.
   * Status of the last operation can be obtained with status().
   * In case if status() is an ERROR the corresponding error message
   * can be printed with print_error().
   * @see #status
   * @see #error_position
   * @see #print_error
  enum {

   * Constructor.

   * Destructor.

   * Evaluates the arithmetic expression given as character string. 
   * The expression may consist of numbers, variables and functions
   * separated by arithmetic (+, - , /, *, ^, **) and logical
   * operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, &&, ||).
   * @param  expression input expression.
   * @return result of the evaluation.
   * @see #status
   * @see #error_position
   * @see #print_error
  double evaluate(const char * expression);

   * Returns status of the last operation with the evaluator.
  int status() const;

   * Returns position in the input string where the problem occured.
  int error_position() const; 

   * Prints error message if status() is an ERROR.
  void print_error() const;

   * Adds to the dictionary a variable with given value. 
   * If a variable with such a name already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_VARIABLE.
   * @param name name of the variable.
   * @param value value assigned to the variable.
  void setVariable(const char * name, double value);

   * Adds to the dictionary a variable with an arithmetic expression
   * assigned to it.
   * If a variable with such a name already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_VARIABLE.
   * @param name name of the variable.
   * @param expression arithmetic expression.
  void setVariable(const char * name, const char * expression);

   * Adds to the dictionary a function without parameters.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name, double (*fun)());

   * Adds to the dictionary a function with one parameter.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name, double (*fun)(double));

   * Adds to the dictionary a function with two parameters.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name, double (*fun)(double,double));

   * Adds to the dictionary a function with three parameters.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name, double (*fun)(double,double,double));

   * Adds to the dictionary a function with four parameters.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name,
		   double (*fun)(double,double,double,double));

   * Adds to the dictionary a function with five parameters.
   * If such a function already exist in the dictionary,
   * then status will be set to WARNING_EXISTING_FUNCTION.
   * @param name function name.
   * @param fun pointer to the real function in the user code. 
  void setFunction(const char * name,
                   double (*fun)(double,double,double,double,double));

   * Finds the variable in the dictionary.
   * @param  name name of the variable.
   * @return true if such a variable exists, false otherwise.
  HepBoolean findVariable(const char * name) const;

   * Finds the function in the dictionary.
   * @param  name name of the function to be unset.
   * @param  npar number of parameters of the function.  
   * @return true if such a function exists, false otherwise.
  HepBoolean findFunction(const char * name, int npar) const;

   * Removes the variable from the dictionary.
   * @param name name of the variable.
  void removeVariable(const char * name);

   * Removes the function from the dictionary.
   * @param name name of the function to be unset.
   * @param npar number of parameters of the function.  
  void removeFunction(const char * name, int npar);

   * Clear all settings.
  void clear();

   * Sets standard mathematical functions and constants.
  void setStdMath();

   * Sets system of units. Default is the SI system of units.
   * To set the CGS (Centimeter-Gram-Second) system of units
   * one should call:
   *   setSystemOfUnits(100., 1000., 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   * To set system of units accepted in the GEANT4 simulation toolkit
   * one should call:
   *   setSystemOfUnits(1.e+3, 1./1.60217733e-25, 1.e+9, 1./1.60217733e-10,
   *                    1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   * The basic units in GEANT4 are:
   *   millimeter              (millimeter = 1.)
   *   nanosecond              (nanosecond = 1.)
   *   Mega electron Volt      (MeV        = 1.)
   *   positron charge         (eplus      = 1.)
   *   degree Kelvin           (kelvin     = 1.)
   *   the amount of substance (mole       = 1.)
   *   luminous intensity      (candela    = 1.)
   *   radian                  (radian     = 1.)
   *   steradian               (steradian  = 1.)
  void setSystemOfUnits(double meter    = 1.0,
                        double kilogram = 1.0,
                        double second   = 1.0,
                        double ampere   = 1.0,
                        double kelvin   = 1.0,
                        double mole     = 1.0,
                        double candela  = 1.0);

  void * p;                                 // private data 
  Evaluator(const Evaluator &);             // copy constructor is not allowed
  Evaluator & operator=(const Evaluator &); // assignment is not allowed


#endif /* HEP_EVALUATOR_H */

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