
// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: Plane3D.h,v 1.12 2001/06/15 07:30:41 evc Exp $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
// Hep geometrical 3D Plane class
// Author: Evgeni Chernyaev <>
// History:
// 22.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version
// 19.10.96 J.Allison - added == and <<.

#ifndef HEP_PLANE3D_H
#define HEP_PLANE3D_H

#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Normal3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/config/iostream.h"

class HepPlane3D {
  HepDouble aa, bb, cc, dd;
  // Constructors
  HepPlane3D(HepDouble a=0, HepDouble b=0, HepDouble c=0, HepDouble d=0)
    : aa(a), bb(b), cc(c), dd(d) {}

  HepPlane3D(const HepNormal3D &n, const HepPoint3D &p)
    : aa(n.x()), bb(n.y()), cc(n.z()), dd(-n*p) {}

  HepPlane3D(const HepPoint3D &p1, const HepPoint3D &p2, const HepPoint3D &p3) {
    HepNormal3D n = (p2-p1).cross(p3-p1);
    aa = n.x(); bb = n.y(); cc = n.z(); dd = -n*p1;

  // Copy constructor
  HepPlane3D(const HepPlane3D &plane)
    : aa(plane.aa), bb(, cc(, dd(plane.dd) {}

  // Destructor
  ~HepPlane3D() {};

  // Assignment
  HepPlane3D& operator=(const HepPlane3D &plane) {
   aa = plane.aa; bb =; cc =; dd = plane.dd; return *this;

  // Test for equality
  HepBoolean operator == (const HepPlane3D& p) const {
    return aa == p.aa && bb == && cc == && dd == p.dd;

  // Test for inequality
  HepBoolean operator != (const HepPlane3D& p) const {
    return aa != p.aa || bb != || cc != || dd != p.dd;

  // Normalization
  HepPlane3D& normalize() {
    HepDouble ll = sqrt(aa*aa + bb*bb + cc*cc);
    if (ll > 0.0) { aa /= ll; bb /= ll; cc /= ll, dd /= ll; }
    return *this;

  // Access functions
  HepDouble a() const { return aa; }
  HepDouble b() const { return bb; }
  HepDouble c() const { return cc; }
  HepDouble d() const { return dd; }

  // Return normal
  HepNormal3D normal() const { return HepNormal3D(aa,bb,cc); }

  // Return distance from the point
  HepDouble distance(const HepPoint3D &p) const {
    return aa*p.x() + bb*p.y() + cc*p.z() + dd;

  // Projection of the point to the plane
  HepPoint3D point(const HepPoint3D &p) const {
    HepDouble k = distance(p)/(aa*aa+bb*bb+cc*cc);
    return HepPoint3D(p.x()-aa*k, p.y()-bb*k, p.z()-cc*k);

  // Projection of the origin to the plane
  HepPoint3D point() const {
    HepDouble k = -dd/(aa*aa+bb*bb+cc*cc);
    return HepPoint3D(aa*k, bb*k, cc*k);

  // Transformation
  HepPlane3D& transform(const HepTransform3D &m) {
    HepNormal3D n(aa,bb,cc);
    dd = -n*point().transform(m); aa = n.x(); bb = n.y(); cc = n.z();
    return *this;

HepStd::ostream & operator << (HepStd::ostream &, const HepPlane3D &);

#endif /* HEP_PLANE3D_H */

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