
// -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: Transform3D.h,v 1.8 2001/06/15 07:30:41 evc Exp $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
// Hep geometrical 3D Transformation class
// Author: Evgeni Chernyaev <>
//          ******************************************
//          *                                        *
//          *               Transform                *
//          *               /  / \  \                *
//          *       --------  /   \  --------        *
//          *      /         /     \         \       *
//          *   Rotate Translate  Reflect   Scale    *
//          *    / | \    / | \    / | \    / | \    *
//          *   X  Y  Z  X  Y  Z  X  Y  Z  X  Y  Z   *
//          *                                        *
//          ******************************************
// Identity transformation:
//   HepTransform3D::Identity   - global identity transformation;
//   any constructor without parameters, e.g. HepTransform3D();
//   m.setIdentity()            - set "m" to identity;
// General transformations:
//   HepTransform3D(m,v)         - transformation given by HepRotation "m"
//                                 and Hep3Vector "v";
//   HepTransform3D(a0,a1,a2, b0,b1,b2) - transformation given by initial
//                                 and transformed positions of three points;
// Rotations:
//   HepRotate3D(m)              - rotation given by HepRotation "m";
//   HepRotate3D(ang,v)          - rotation through the angle "ang" around
//                                 vector "v";
//   HepRotate3D(ang,p1,p2)      - rotation through the angle "ang"
//                                 counterclockwise around the axis given by
//                                 two points p1->p2;
//   HepRotate3D(a1,a2, b1,b2)   - rotation around the origin defined by initial
//                                 and transformed positions of two points;
//   HepRotateX3D(ang)           - rotation around X-axis;
//   HepRotateY3D(ang)           - rotation around Y-axis;
//   HepRotateZ3D(ang)           - rotation around Z-axis;
// Translations:
//   HepTranslate3D(v)           - translation given by Hep3Vector "v";
//   HepTranslate3D(dx,dy,dz)    - translation on vector (dx,dy,dz);
//   HepTraslateX3D(dx)          - translation along X-axis;
//   HepTraslateY3D(dy)          - translation along Y-axis;
//   HepTraslateZ3D(dz)          - translation along Z-axis;
// Reflections:
//   HepReflect3D(a,b,c,d)       - reflection in the plane a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0;
//   HepReflect3D(normal,p)      - reflection in the plane going through "p"
//                                 and whose normal is equal to "normal";
//   HepReflectX3D(a)            - reflect X in the plane x=a (default a=0);
//   HepReflectY3D(a)            - reflect Y in the plane y=a (default a=0);
//   HepReflectZ3D(a)            - reflect Z in the plane z=a (default a=0);
// Scalings:
//   HepScale3D(sx,sy,sz)        - general scaling with factors "sx","sy","sz"
//                                 along X, Y and Z;
//   HepScale3D(s)               - scaling with constant factor "s" along all 
//                                 directions;
//   HepScaleX3D(sx)             - scale X;
//   HepScaleY3D(sy)             - scale Y;
//   HepScaleZ3D(sz)             - scale Z;
// Inverse transformation:
//   m.inverse() or             - returns inverse transformation;
// Compound transformation:
//   m3 = m2 * m1               - it is relatively slow in comparison with
//                                transformation of a vector. Use parenthesis
//                                to avoid this operation (see remark below);
// Transformation of point:
//   p2 = m * p1
// Transformation of vector:
//   v2 = m * v1
// Transformation of normal:
//   n2 = m * n1
// The following table explains how different transformations affect
// point, vector and normal. "+" means affect, "-" means do not affect,
// "*" meas affect but in different way than "+" 
//                     Point  Vector  Normal
//      -------------+-------+-------+-------
//       Rotation    !   +   !   +   !   +
//       Translation !   +   !   -   !   -
//       Reflection  !   +   !   +   !   *
//       Scaling     !   +   !   +   !   *
//      -------------+-------+-------+-------
// Example of the usage:
//   HepTransform3D m1, m2, m3;
//   HepVector3D    v2, v1(0,0,0);
//   m1 = HepRotate3D(angle, HepVector3D(1,1,1));
//   m2 = HepTranslate3D(dx,dy,dz);
//   m3 = m1^-1;
//   v2 = m3*(m2*(m1*v1));
// Remark: For the reason that the operator * is left associative the notation
// v2 = m3*(m2*(m1*v1)) is much more effective then the notation
// v2 = m3*m2*m1*v1. In the first case three operations "Transform*Vector"
// are executed, in the second case two operations "Transform*Transform" and
// one "Transform*Vector" are perfomed. "Transform*Transform" is roughly
// 3 times slower than "Transform*Vector".
// History:
// 24.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version
// 26.02.97 E.Chernyaev
// - added global Identity by request of John Allison 
//   (to avoid problems with compilation on HP) 
// - added getRotation and getTranslation 
// 29.01.01 E.Chernyaev - added subscripting
// 11.06.01 E.Chernyaev - added getDecomposition


#include "CLHEP/config/CLHEP.h"

class Hep3Vector;
class HepRotation;
class HepPoint3D;
class HepVector3D;
class HepNormal3D;

class HepTranslate3D;
class HepRotate3D;
class HepScale3D;

class HepTransform3D {
  HepDouble xx, xy, xz, dx,     // 4x3  Transformation Matrix
            yx, yy, yz, dy,
            zx, zy, zz, dz;

  // Protected constructor
  HepTransform3D(HepDouble XX, HepDouble XY, HepDouble XZ, HepDouble DX,
		 HepDouble YX, HepDouble YY, HepDouble YZ, HepDouble DY,
		 HepDouble ZX, HepDouble ZY, HepDouble ZZ, HepDouble DZ)
    : xx(XX), xy(XY), xz(XZ), dx(DX),
      yx(YX), yy(YY), yz(YZ), dy(DY),
      zx(ZX), zy(ZY), zz(ZZ), dz(DZ) {}

  // Set transformation matrix
  void setTransform(HepDouble XX, HepDouble XY, HepDouble XZ, HepDouble DX,
		    HepDouble YX, HepDouble YY, HepDouble YZ, HepDouble DY,
		    HepDouble ZX, HepDouble ZY, HepDouble ZZ, HepDouble DZ) {
    xx = XX; xy = XY; xz = XZ; dx = DX;
    yx = YX; yy = YY; yz = YZ; dy = DY;
    zx = ZX; zy = ZY; zz = ZZ; dz = DZ;

  // Global identity transformation
  static const HepTransform3D Identity;

  // Helper class for implemention of C-style subscripting r[i][j] 
  class HepTransform3D_row {
    inline HepTransform3D_row(const HepTransform3D &, int);
    inline HepDouble operator [] (int) const;
    const HepTransform3D & rr;
    int ii;

  // For RogueWave...
  HepBoolean operator == (const HepTransform3D &transform) const {
    return this == &transform ? true : false;

  // Constructor: identity
    : xx(1), xy(0), xz(0), dx(0),
      yx(0), yy(1), yz(0), dy(0),
      zx(0), zy(0), zz(1), dz(0) {}
  // Constructor: rotation and then translation
  inline HepTransform3D(const HepRotation &m, const Hep3Vector &v);

  // Constructor: transformation of basis (assumed - no reflection)
  (const HepPoint3D &fr0, const HepPoint3D &fr1, const HepPoint3D &fr2,
   const HepPoint3D &to0, const HepPoint3D &to1, const HepPoint3D &to2);

  // Copy constructor
  HepTransform3D(const HepTransform3D & m)
    : xx(m.xx), xy(m.xy), xz(m.xz), dx(m.dx),
      yx(m.yx), yy(m.yy), yz(m.yz), dy(m.dy),
      zx(m.zx), zy(m.zy), zz(m.zz), dz( {}

  // Returns object of the helper class for C-style subscripting r[i][j]
  inline const HepTransform3D_row operator [] (int) const; 

  // Fortran-style subscripting: returns (i,j) element of the matrix.
  HepDouble operator () (int, int) const;

  // Assignment
  HepTransform3D& operator=(const HepTransform3D &m) {
    setTransform(m.xx, m.xy, m.xz, m.dx,
                 m.yx, m.yy, m.yz, m.dy,
                 m.zx, m.zy, m.zz,;
    return *this;

  // Set identity
  void setIdentity() { 
    xy = xz = dx = yx = yz = dy = zx = zy = dz = 0; xx = yy = zz = 1;

  // Inverse transformation
  HepTransform3D inverse() const;

  // Inverse transformation: m^-1
  // HepTransform3D operator^(HepInt) const { return inverse(); }

  // Compound transformations
  inline HepTransform3D operator*(const HepTransform3D &b) const;

  // Transformation of point
  inline HepPoint3D operator*(const HepPoint3D &p) const;

  // Transformation of vector
  inline HepVector3D operator*(const HepVector3D &v) const;

  // Transformation of normal
  inline HepNormal3D operator*(const HepNormal3D &n) const;

  // Decomposition of general transformation on three consequentive
  // specific transformations: Scale, then Rotation, then Translation, i.e.
  //    Transformation = Translation * Rotation * Scale
  // If there was a reflection, then ScaleZ will be negative.
  void getDecomposition(HepScale3D & scale,
			HepRotate3D & rotation,
			HepTranslate3D & translation) const;

  // Extract the rotation matrix
  inline HepRotation getRotation() const;

  // Extract the translation vector
  inline Hep3Vector getTranslation() const;

//   R O T A T I O N S

class HepRotate3D : public HepTransform3D {
  HepRotate3D() : HepTransform3D() {}
  inline HepRotate3D(const HepRotation &m);
  HepRotate3D(HepDouble a, const HepPoint3D &p1, const HepPoint3D &p2);
  inline HepRotate3D(HepDouble a, const HepVector3D &v);
  inline HepRotate3D(const HepPoint3D &fr1, const HepPoint3D &fr2,
		     const HepPoint3D &to1, const HepPoint3D &to2);

class HepRotateX3D : public HepRotate3D {
  HepRotateX3D() : HepRotate3D() {}
  HepRotateX3D(HepDouble a) {
    HepDouble cosa = cos(a), sina = sin(a); 
    setTransform(1,0,0,0,  0,cosa,-sina,0,  0,sina,cosa,0);

class HepRotateY3D : public HepRotate3D {
  HepRotateY3D() : HepRotate3D() {}
  HepRotateY3D(HepDouble a) {
    HepDouble cosa = cos(a), sina = sin(a); 
    setTransform(cosa,0,sina,0,  0,1,0,0,  -sina,0,cosa,0);

class HepRotateZ3D : public HepRotate3D {
  HepRotateZ3D() : HepRotate3D() {}
  HepRotateZ3D(HepDouble a) {
    HepDouble cosa = cos(a), sina = sin(a); 
    setTransform(cosa,-sina,0,0,  sina,cosa,0,0,  0,0,1,0);

//   T R A N S L A T I O N S

class HepTranslate3D : public HepTransform3D {
  HepTranslate3D() : HepTransform3D() {}
  inline HepTranslate3D(const Hep3Vector &v);
  HepTranslate3D(HepDouble x, HepDouble y, HepDouble z)
    : HepTransform3D(1,0,0,x, 0,1,0,y, 0,0,1,z) {}

class HepTranslateX3D : public HepTranslate3D {
  HepTranslateX3D() : HepTranslate3D() {}
  HepTranslateX3D(HepDouble x) : HepTranslate3D(x, 0, 0) {}

class HepTranslateY3D : public HepTranslate3D {
  HepTranslateY3D() : HepTranslate3D() {}
  HepTranslateY3D(HepDouble y) : HepTranslate3D(0, y, 0) {}

class HepTranslateZ3D : public HepTranslate3D {
  HepTranslateZ3D() : HepTranslate3D() {}
  HepTranslateZ3D(HepDouble z) : HepTranslate3D(0, 0, z) {}

//   R E F L E C T I O N S

class HepReflect3D : public HepTransform3D {
  HepReflect3D(HepDouble XX, HepDouble XY, HepDouble XZ, HepDouble DX,
               HepDouble YX, HepDouble YY, HepDouble YZ, HepDouble DY,
               HepDouble ZX, HepDouble ZY, HepDouble ZZ, HepDouble DZ)
    : HepTransform3D(XX,XY,XZ,DX, YX,YY,YZ,DY, ZX,ZY,ZZ,DZ) {}

  HepReflect3D() : HepTransform3D() {}
  HepReflect3D(HepDouble a, HepDouble b, HepDouble c, HepDouble d);
  inline HepReflect3D(const HepNormal3D &normal, const HepPoint3D &point);

class HepReflectX3D : public HepReflect3D {
  HepReflectX3D(HepDouble x=0) : HepReflect3D(-1,0,0,x+x, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0) {}
class HepReflectY3D : public HepReflect3D {
  HepReflectY3D(HepDouble y=0) : HepReflect3D(1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,y+y, 0,0,1,0) {}
class HepReflectZ3D : public HepReflect3D {
  HepReflectZ3D(HepDouble z=0) : HepReflect3D(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,-1,z+z) {}
//   S C A L I N G S

class HepScale3D : public HepTransform3D {
  HepScale3D() : HepTransform3D() {}
  HepScale3D(HepDouble x, HepDouble y, HepDouble z)
    : HepTransform3D(x,0,0,0, 0,y,0,0, 0,0,z,0) {}
  HepScale3D(HepDouble s)
    : HepTransform3D(s,0,0,0, 0,s,0,0, 0,0,s,0) {}

class HepScaleX3D : public HepScale3D {
  HepScaleX3D() : HepScale3D() {}
  HepScaleX3D(HepDouble x) : HepScale3D(x, 1, 1) {}

class HepScaleY3D : public HepScale3D {
  HepScaleY3D() : HepScale3D() {}
  HepScaleY3D(HepDouble y) : HepScale3D(1, y, 1) {}

class HepScaleZ3D : public HepScale3D {
  HepScaleZ3D() : HepScale3D() {}
  HepScaleZ3D(HepDouble z) : HepScale3D(1, 1, z) {}

//   I N L I N E S   F O R   T R A N S F O R M A T I O N

#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
#include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Normal3D.h"

(const HepTransform3D & r, int i) : rr(r), ii(i) {}

HepDouble HepTransform3D::HepTransform3D_row::operator[](int jj) const {
  return rr(ii,jj);

inline const HepTransform3D::HepTransform3D_row
HepTransform3D::operator[](int i) const {
  return HepTransform3D_row(*this, i);

HepTransform3D::HepTransform3D(const HepRotation &m, const Hep3Vector &v) {
  Hep3Vector w;
  w = m * Hep3Vector(1,0,0); xx = w.x(); yx = w.y(); zx = w.z();
  w = m * Hep3Vector(0,1,0); xy = w.x(); yy = w.y(); zy = w.z();
  w = m * Hep3Vector(0,0,1); xz = w.x(); yz = w.y(); zz = w.z();
  dx = v.x(); dy = v.y(); dz = v.z();

HepTransform3D HepTransform3D::operator*(const HepTransform3D &b) const {
  return HepTransform3D
    (xx*b.xx+xy*b.yx+xz*b.zx, xx*b.xy+xy*b.yy+xz*b.zy,
     xx*b.xz+xy*b.yz+xz*b.zz, xx*b.dx+xy*b.dy+xz*,
     yx*b.xx+yy*b.yx+yz*b.zx, yx*b.xy+yy*b.yy+yz*b.zy,
     yx*b.xz+yy*b.yz+yz*b.zz, yx*b.dx+yy*b.dy+yz*,
     zx*b.xx+zy*b.yx+zz*b.zx, zx*b.xy+zy*b.yy+zz*b.zy,
     zx*b.xz+zy*b.yz+zz*b.zz, zx*b.dx+zy*b.dy+zz*;

HepPoint3D HepTransform3D::operator*(const HepPoint3D &p) const {
  HepDouble x = p.x(), y = p.y(), z = p.z(); 
  return HepPoint3D(x*xx+y*xy+z*xz+dx, x*yx+y*yy+z*yz+dy, x*zx+y*zy+z*zz+dz);

HepVector3D HepTransform3D::operator*(const HepVector3D &v) const {
  HepDouble x = v.x(), y = v.y(), z = v.z(); 
  return HepPoint3D(x*xx+y*xy+z*xz, x*yx+y*yy+z*yz, x*zx+y*zy+z*zz);

HepNormal3D HepTransform3D::operator*(const HepNormal3D &n) const {
  HepDouble x = n.x(), y = n.y(), z = n.z(); 
  return HepNormal3D(x*(yy*zz-yz*zy) + y*(yz*zx-yx*zz) + z*(yx*zy-yy*zx),
		     x*(zy*xz-zz*xy) + y*(zz*xx-zx*xz) + z*(zx*xy-zy*xx),
		     x*(xy*yz-xz*yy) + y*(xz*yx-xx*yz) + z*(xx*yy-xy*yx));

HepRotation HepTransform3D::getRotation() const {
  HepRotation m;
  return m.rotateAxes(Hep3Vector(xx,yx,zx),

Hep3Vector HepTransform3D::getTranslation() const {
  return Hep3Vector(dx,dy,dz); 

//   I N L I N E S   F O R   R O T A T I O N

inline HepRotate3D::HepRotate3D(const HepRotation &m) {
  Hep3Vector w;
  w = m * Hep3Vector(1,0,0); xx = w.x(); yx = w.y(); zx = w.z();
  w = m * Hep3Vector(0,1,0); xy = w.x(); yy = w.y(); zy = w.z();
  w = m * Hep3Vector(0,0,1); xz = w.x(); yz = w.y(); zz = w.z();
  dx = 0; dy = 0; dz = 0;

inline HepRotate3D::HepRotate3D(HepDouble a, const HepVector3D &v) {
  *this = HepRotate3D(a, HepPoint3D(0,0,0), HepPoint3D(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()));

inline HepRotate3D::HepRotate3D(const HepPoint3D &fr1, const HepPoint3D &fr2,
			        const HepPoint3D &to1, const HepPoint3D &to2)
  : HepTransform3D(HepPoint3D(0,0,0),fr1,fr2, HepPoint3D(0,0,0),to1,to2) {}

//   I N L I N E S   F O R   T R A N S L A T I O N

inline HepTranslate3D::HepTranslate3D(const Hep3Vector &v)
  : HepTransform3D(1,0,0,v.x(), 0,1,0,v.y(), 0,0,1,v.z()) {}

//   I N L I N E S   F O R   R E F L E C T I O N

inline HepReflect3D::HepReflect3D(const HepNormal3D &n, const HepPoint3D &p) {
  *this = HepReflect3D(n.x(), n.y(), n.z(), -n*p);

#endif /* HEP_TRANSFROM3D_H */

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