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Constructors and Accessors

The following accessor methods are used to obtain the named coordinate components, as in double s = p.t();.

The Cartesian components may also be accessed by the index syntax, using either square braces or parentheses. In either case, the meaning of the index is 0-based, with the time component last. An enum is nested in the HepLorentzVector class to help clarify this: X=0, Y=1, Z=2, T=3.

The spatial components can also be accessed in spherical coordinates:

There is a family of methods of the form set Component () which may be used to set one component in Cartesian or spherical coordinates, or the $\rho$ cylindrical coordinate, keeping the other components in that system constant.

The entire spatial component can be set at once, keeping the time component constant.

And there is a family of set() methods, corresponding to the constructors, that may be used to update all four of a HepLorentzVector's coordinates at once.

Assignment from a Hep3Vector is supported, as in p = v;.

Finally, there are conversion operators to const and non-const Hep3Vector; these were present in the original CLHEP classes. They ignore the time component.

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Fermilab ZOOM Physics Class Library Task Force