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HepRotation Class

HepRotations may be expressed in terms of an axis $\hat{u}$ and angle $\delta$ of counter-clockwise rotation, or as a set of three Euler Angles $(\phi, \theta, \psi)$. Definitions and conventions for these classes match those described in §[*] for directly rotating a Hep3Vector:

\begin{displaymath}\mbox{HepRotation}(\hat{u},\delta) \Longrightarrow \end{displaymath}

\cos \delta + (1 - \cos \delta ) u...
..._x &
\cos \delta + (1 - \cos \delta ) u_z^2
\end{displaymath} (136)

\begin{displaymath}\mbox{HepRotation}(\phi, \theta, \psi) \Longrightarrow \end{displaymath}

\cos \psi \cos \phi - \sin \psi \c...
...phi &
- \sin \theta \cos \phi &
\cos \theta
\end{displaymath} (137)

The Euler angles definition matches that found in found in Classical Mechanics (Goldstein), page 109. This treats the Euler angles as a sequence of counter-clockwise passive rotations; that is, the vector remains fixed while the coordinate axes are rotated--new vector components are computed in new coordinate frame.

HEP computations ordinarily use the active rotation viewpoint. Therefore, rotations about an axis imply active counter-clockwise rotation in this package.

Consequently, a rotation by angle $\delta$ around the X axis is equivalent to a rotation with Euler angles $(\phi=\psi=0, \mbox{ } \theta = - \delta)$ and a rotation about the Z axis is equivalent to a rotation with Euler angles $(\theta = 0, \mbox{ } \phi=\psi= - \delta/2)$.

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Fermilab ZOOM Physics Class Library Task Force