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XML Applications at CERN

Michel Goossens , IT/API

In the AFS directory /afs/ there a number of publicly available XML tools for Linux as well as a lot of XML-related documentation and tutorials. The file index.html in that directory provides an entry point to much of what is available. The XML tools, such as,,, can be executed by defining the shell variable XMLCDROM and by including the relevant directory in your PATH variable, as follows (depending on your Unix shell):

# for Bourne-like shells

# for C-like shells
setenv XMLCDROM /afs/
setenv PATH $XMLCDROM/bin/i386:{$PATH}

I am in the process of making all the XML-related files mentioned above also available on the NICE2000 system at CERN. At present a few of the tools (and an earlier version of the doc and tutorials) are already installed in the dfs directory \\\dfs\Experiments\sw\Xml. If you map this folder, e.g., to your "X drive", and add the folder X:\bin\win32; to the end of your path, as explained in the previous section, you can use saxon, etc. For the moment on NICE2000 I have hard-code the path using the "X drive "into the bat files. I intend to make these files more independent of the precise path where the tools are installed. Moreover, as in the case of TEX, I am looking into ways of easing the installation of the tools locally.

About the author(s): Michel Goossens is a CERN authority on LATEX, XML and Electronic Document Publishing techniques in general. He has written several articles and books on the subject.

For matters related to this article please contact the author.

Vol. XXXVI, issue no 3

Last Updated on Fri Dec 07 14:18:28 CET 2001.
Copyright © CERN 2001 -- European Organization for Nuclear Research