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UCO Book Catalogue

  Michel Franceschi and Roger Woolnough IT/User Support

The list is compiled regurlarly at URL:

Text Processing

Title                                    Author
Postscript language ref. man.            Adobe                      
LaTeX user guide                         L.Lamport                  
The LaTeX Companion                      Goossens,Mittlebach,Samarin
Portable document format ref manual      Adobe                      
LaTeX Graphics Companion                 Goossens,Rahtz,Mittelbach  
HTML3                                    Raggett,Lam,Alexander      
HTML3.2                                  Todd,Stauffer              
The Frame Handbook                       Branagan,Sierra            
Making TEX Work (no longer available)    Walsh                      

Text Editors

Title                                    Author
Learning the vi editor                   Lamb                       
Learning GNU Emacs                       Cameron,Rosenblatt         
GNU emacs manual                         Stallman                   

Programming Languages

Title                                    Author
The C Programming Language               Kernighan,Ritchie          
Object Oriented C++ using Booch Method   Martin                     
Best of Booch                            Booch                      
Fortran 90 explained                     Metcalf,Reid               
Scientific and Engineering C++           Barton,Nackman             
C++ Programming Language                 Stroustrup                 
The Art and Science of C                 Roberts                    
Design evolution C++                     Stroustrup                 
C++ Primer                               Lippman                    
Advanced C++ prog. styles                Coplien                    
Effective C++                            Meyers                     
Design patterns                          Gamma,Helm,Johnson,Vliss...
More Effective C++                       Meyers                     
STL tutorial and reference guide         Musser,Saini               
Object solutions                         Booch                      
A Book on C                              Pohl                       
C++ For C programmers                    Pohl                       
Object Oriented Analysis and Design      Booch                      
Object Oriented Programming C++          Pohl                       
Programming with curses                  Strang                     
Practical C                              Oualline                   
Learning PERL                            Schwarz                    
Migrating to Fortran 90                  Kerrigan                   
Learning the Korn Shell                  Rosenblatt                 
C++ The Core language                    OReilly,Nye                
Applying RCS and SCCS                    Bollinger,Bronson          
Using csh and tcsh                       Dubois                     
Practical C++ Programming                Oualline                   
Learning the Bash Shell                  Newham,Rosenblatt          
Programming Perl (2nd edition)           Wall                       
XL Fortran for AIX user guide            IBM                        
XL Fortran for AIX Language reference    IBM                        
Understanding networked multimedia       Fluckiger                  
Hyperwave                                Maurer                     
How to set up world wide web site        Stein                      
CGI applications with Perl               Deep,Holfelder             
Using Netscape 3                         Brown                      
Managing intenet information services    Liu,Peek,Jones,Buus,Nye    
The whole internet                       Krol                       
Building internet firewalls              Chapman,Zwicky             
CGI programming on the WWW               Gundavaram                 
Webmaster in a Nutshell                                             
Netscape navigator Gold 3.0              Simpson                    


Title                                    Author
Panic system crash dump analysis         Drake,Brown                
Sun performance and tuning               Cockcroft                  


Title                                    Author
Unix System Administration Handbook      Nemeth,Snyder,Seebass,Hein 
Unix for VMS users                       Bourne                     
The Design and Implementation of the ... McKusic,Bostic,Karels,Qu...
Unix for the impatient                   Abrahams,Larson            
advanced Programming in Unix env         Stevens                    
Teach yourself UNIX in a week            Taylor                     
Unix Power Tools                         Peek,Loukides,OReilly      
A practical guide to the unix system     Sobell                     
A practical guide to unix sys 5          Sobell                     
Unix for fortran programmers             Loukides                   
Sed and Awk (second edition)             Dougherty                  
System performance tuning                Loukides                   
Managing NFS and NIS                     Stern                      
Power programming with RPC               Bloomer                    
Essential system administration          Frisch                     
make                                     Oram,Talbot                
Lex and yacc                             Levine,Mason,Brown         
Unix in a Nutshell system V              Gilly,OReilly              
Imake                                    Dubois                     
Posix 4 Programming for the real word    Gallmeister                
Pretty good privacy                      Garfinkel                  
Programming with GNU soft                Loukides,Oram              
Pthreads Programming                     Bradford,Buttlar,Proulx ...
Practical unix and Internet security     Garfinkel,Spafford         
Unix systems programming for svr4        Curry                      
GNU make                                 Stallman                   

X Window, tools etc.

Title                                    Author
X Window sys. admin's vol 8              Mui,Pearce                 
Xview programming manual vol 7           Heller                     
Xview reference manual vol 7b            Raalte                     
Xlib Programming manual vol 1            Nye                        
X Toolkit int. program. vol 4            OReilly,Nye                
Xlib Reference manual vol 2              Nye                        
X Toolkit int. ref. manual vol 5         Flanagan                   
X Toolkit int. prog. OSF/MOTIF vol 4M    OReilly,Nye                
X Window system user guide vol 3         OReilly,Quercia            
X Window sys usr OSF/MOTIF vol 3M        OReilly,Quercia            
X Window system in a Nutshell            Cutler,Gilly,OReilly       
X user tools                             Mui,Quercia                
Motif reference manual vol 6b            Paula,Ferguson             
Motif tools                              Flanagan                   
X Protocol reference manual vol 0        Nye                        
X companion CD for R6                    Nye                        
Programmer's supplement for Release 6    OReilly,Nye                
Expect                                   Libes                      
NetWare 4.1                              Sheldon                    
Linux complete reference + CD            Petersen                   
Win32 system services                    Brain                      
Network programming in windows NT (no... Shina                      
Mac bible filemaker pro 3                Rubin                      
Mac bible guide excel 5                  Langer                     
Access 2, developer's guide              Jennings                   
Windows NT pocket book                   Heath                      
Using Word for windows 95                Person                     
Using Excel for windows 95               Person                     
Using access 95                          jennings                   
Using Visual C++ 4                       Que                        
Windows NT for Open VMS professionals    Solomon                    
Using windows 95                         Person,Al                  
Linux Network Administrator's guide      Kirch                      
Running Linux                            Kaufman,Welsh              
Inside windows 95 registry               Petrusha                   
Windows NT4 workstation                  Brannon,Mansfield          
Mac bible guide word 6                   Langer                     
The Macintosh Bible + CDROM              Dinucci                    
The Little Windows 95 Book               Nelson                     

Software Packages

Title                                    Author
Power Programming with Mathematica (n... Wagner                     
Software engineering standards           Mazza,Fairclough           
LabView for everyone                     Wells,Travis               
Software engineering guides              Mazza,Fairclough           
OpenGL Programming Guide (second edit... Neider,Davis,Woo           
OpenGL Reference Manual (second edition) OpenGL                     
Mathematica PHYSICS                      Zimmerman                  
Mathematica scientists engineers         Bahder                     
Personal software process                Watts,Humphrey             
Open Inventor C++ ref. man.              Open,Inventor              
The Inventor Toolmaker                   Wernecke                   
The Inventor Mentor                      Wernecke                   
Mathematica quick reference manual       Blachman                   
OpenGL Programming Guide                 Neider,Davis,Woo           
OpenGL Reference Manual                  OpenGL                     
Standard Add-on Packages                 Wolfram                    
Mathematica (third edition)              Wolfram                    
Lapack user's guide                      Anderson,Bai,...           

General Computing

Title                                    Author
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk      Welch                      
Tcl and Tk toolkit                       Ousterhout                 
TCP/IP illust. Vol 1 protocols           Stevens                    
TCP/IP illust. Vol 2 implementation      Stevens                    
TCP/IP illust. Vol 3                     Stevens                    
TCP/IP network administration            Hunt                       
Encyclopedia of graphics                 Murray,VanRyper            

Microsoft Press

Title                                    Author
Hardcore Visual Basic                    McKinney                   
Running Microsoft windows 95 (no long... Microsoft                  
Programming Windows 95                   Petzold                    
Microsoft Windows 95 resource kit        Microsoft                  
Visual Basic 4 for windows 95            Halvorson                  
Programmer's guide to MS windows 95      Microsoft                  
Running Microsoft WORD for windows 95    Microsoft                  
Running microsoft POWERPOINT for wind... Microsoft                  
Inside visual C++ version 4              Microsoft                  
Learn VISUAL BASIC now                   Halvorson                  
Mastering Microsoft visual C++ 4         Microsoft                  
MS Windows NT workstation 4.0            Microsoft                  
Microsoft Windows NT server resource ... Microsoft                  
TeX CD ROMS                              Tex                        
Inside Macintosh CD ROM                  Apple Computer Inc.        
Macintosh Programmers Toolbox Assistant  AppleComputer              
MS OFFICE training                       Training                   
Training WORD 6                          Training                   
Training EXCEL 5                         Training                   


Title                                    Author
Oracle The Complete Reference            Koch,Loney                 
Oracle Beginners guide                   Corey                      
Oracle PL/SQL Programming (no longer ... Feuerstein                 
Oracle performance tuning, revised       Corrigan,Gurry             
Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming       Feuerstein                 
Mastering Oracle power objects           Greenwald,Hoskin           
Oracle design                            Ensor,Stevenson            


Title                                    Author
Java essentials for C and C++ program... Boone                      
Hooked on java                           VanHoff                    
The java language specification          Gosling,Steele             
The java virtual machine specification   Lindholm,Yellin            
Java appl prog init vol 1                Gosling                    
The java Tutorial language               Campione,Walrath           
The java programming language            Arnold,Gosling             
Java Class Libraries                     Chan,Lee                   
Java appl prog init vol 2                Gosling                    
Concurrent Programming in Java           Lea                        
Using java (special edition) (no long... Newman                     
Java in a nutshell                       Flanagan                   
Java Script                              Flanagan                   

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