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New Book Ordering Procedure at the UCO

  Michel Franceschi, Miguel Marquina and Roger Woolnough IT/User Support

When the service first started we were able to treat orders on a rather individual basis but, as it has grown, we have had to look at ways of organising everything automatically. As of January, 1998, all orders will be handled through a Web-based form to facilitate both the inventory and the accounting.

This form will have to be filled-in in place (at the UCO premises) when coming to fetch the books, rather than writing down the corresponding information on TIDs or through EDH (which will just state the amount of the purchase to be approved by the relevant budget holder). You'll need to complete your name, budget code and mark the required books, obtaining a WWW "bill" as follows:

                       COBS Service - Book Order Form

   Date: November 27, 1997 - 08:34:40 
   PhoneBook Information matching "woolnough": 

    WOOLNOUGH                Roger           79156       160870  IT  US  513  1-020

   Budget Code: 99999

   I wish to purchase the following: 

   Qty Stock CHF  Loc    Title                               Author(s)
    1   8    55    j1    Word 97 BIBLE                       Heslop,Engell              
    1   8    40    j1    Microsoft WORD 97 step by step      Microsoft                  
    1  15    50    j1    Running microsoft WORD 97           Microsoft                  

   Total: 3 books for a total amount of 145 CHF 

                             Order submitted. Thank you for using our Service

An electronic copy of the bill will be sent to your email address (a paper copy may optionally be produced in place). Procedures for payment according to the chosen method (EDH, TID or cash) stays unchanged. Further instructions may be found at the URL:

Unfortunately we cannot offer remote distribution and delivery for purchased books, and you'll have still to come along to get them. Still we anticipate this system will make the procedure simpler for everyone concerned and should you have any comments we will be pleased to hear from you at

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