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The Web Prepares for the Future

  Michel Goossens IT/ASD

If you are a regular visitor of W3C's (World Wide Web Consortium) web page, you will have seen that in recent months many of the initiatives I mentioned in my CNL 227 article Hyper-activity in the Web-world have seen a lot of progress. In this article I want to go into some detail about the most important points.

Please note that all Web activity at CERN is governed by the Web Policy Group (WPG) and the Divisional Webmasters Group (DWG). The Web Office coordinates the day-to-day tasks. The DWG provides Guidelines for Web sites at CERN; when in doubt, consult your Division's responsible member. Revelant URLs:

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HTML and the downfall of the Web

The reason why HTML is so popular has much to do with its intrinsic simplicity (it is so easy to learn), but also because of the many non-standard extensions which are offered by the various browser vendors to help users to make their pages look professional and attractive. However, this tower of Babel of incompatible extensions is a real threat to the integrity of the Web, since it kills the universal availability of the information.

Most people love HTML because it is a clean little language that they can master in an afternoon. It is universal and should run everywhere. In the real world one is often confronted with broken links and a lack of portable ways to format the information. Many of us have had to (mis)use tables, frames, Java and other scripts to get a representation we like, due to the lack of a real tool to craft universally displayable Web pages.

It is probably worthwhile to look at the problem areas where we think HTML should be improved.

Recent work has tried to address one or more of these problems. One approach was to increase the functionality of HTML, and therefore HTML 4 was developed. To better separate form and content the style sheet language CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) standard was recommended. The XML (Extensible Markup Language) effort deals with application-specificity and better data organisation. Dynamic HTML (DHTML) goes some way towards adding a dynamic representation to Web pages. In that context DOM (Document Object Model) is bound to play an important role by allowing programs to access HTML (XML) elements as a structured collection of object data, each having a set of properties and methods. We shall look at some of these developments below. One must bear in mind, however, that very few browsers, if any, support these new features at present. Nevertheless it is important that users of the Web (aren't we all?) are kept informed about this evolution and have some idea of what will become available in six month to one year. This will allow us to better plan for the future and not invest unnecessarily in techniques which will be deprecated or replaced before long.

HTML 4: a richer and more coherent language

On the 18th of December 1997 W3C issued HTML 4.0 as a W3C Recommendation, which means that HTML documents should henceforth be marked up according to that specification (the full document is over 360 pages and is also available as PostScript or PDF files). The more significant changes with respect to the previous version 3.2, which was released in January 1997, are listed below.

Today, most documents on the Web are still marked up using the HTML 3.2 DTD and no browsers fully support HTML 4 as yet (Netscape 4 and MS Internet Explorer 4 do already a good job). To benefit fully of the possibilities of HTML 4 one also needs support of Cascading Style sheets (CSS Version 1), and here also browsers still do not fully conform.

Extensible Markup Languages

Even though HTML 4 is without doubt a step in the right direction if one wants to support the Web in a standard way, it is still too limited and above all too static to cope with all of the Web's many application areas (databases, search engines, optimal presentation, professional printing, data verification). A new technology had thus to be introduced to do away with the limitations related to HTML's unalterable DTD. XML (for Extensible Markup Language) is the answer.

After some one year and a half of work in the framework of the W3C SGML working group, the W3C issued XML 1.0 as a Recommendation on the 10th of February 1998. It is the first in a suite of standards which will revolutionise information handling on the Web.

An Introduction to the Extensible Markup Language (XML)

What is XML?

XML is, by design, a subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, defined as ISO standard 8879 in 1986). SGML's scope is very broad and the language rather complex (both to learn and implement). The W3C recognised this fact and decided to develop a light-weight version, XML, which does away with SGML's rarely used and more complex features. It is said sometimes that XML offers about 90% of SGML's functionality at some 10% of its complexity, thus making sure that the Ten commandments of XML (its design goals as specified by the W3C SGML Special Interest Group when they started their activities), were fulfilled. These goals stated that XML should be straightforward to use on the Internet, allow easy processing of XML documents (i.e., XML parsers should be easy to write), and that the number of optional features should ideally be zero. Moreover, they wanted XML to be easy to learn, and XML documents straightforward to create and modify. XML makes it easy to declare the structure of a document by decomposing it into logical elements. All possible relations between these elements are described in a DTD (Document Type Definition). Several applications of XML are being defined by W3C. Amongst them are XLL (eXtensible Linking Language), XSL (eXtensible Style Language), and MML (Mathematical Markup Language). At the same time a coherent data model (XML-DATA) is also being discussed. It introduces an object data model which makes it possible, for instance, to express the DTD using an XML syntax.

As already mentioned, each element of an XML document has to be declared in a DTD, which provides a formal definition for the XML language instance for the document class being considered. This allows XML parsers to check the validity of document instances marked up according to that DTD, verifying, for instance, the correct nesting levels, whether all document components have been defined, etc. Note, however, that strictly speaking, the XML does not require that a DTD be present. For instance, for browsers, it could be too time-consuming for each document to download and parse a DTD and check the document against this DTD. XML applications should make sure that all documents at creation time adhere to a DTD, so that browsers can assume that they are correct. In this case XML only wants the document to be well formed, and it will be up to the browser to give default interpretations for undeclared elements.

The components of XML

XML is based on the concept of documents composed of a series of entities (nowadays we would probably prefer to talk of objects). Each entity contains one or more elements, and each element can be characterised by zero or more attributes (properties) that describe the way in which it is to be processed. The relationships between elements and the list of their possible attributes is specified in the DTD.

The beauty of XML (SGML) is that using this mechanism of defining a language with a DTD, each institute, group, company, organisation, etc., can define its own language for all the different kinds of document they have to handle. By being able to choose user-friendly markup tags, adapted to a particular application domain or cultural environment, the use of these tags will be much easier to comprehend and the markup error rate will be substantially lower than when using a more generic markup scheme. Moreover, with the help of intelligent editors, that will hide the markup or else guide the user by only allowing tags possible in the current context, it will be trivial to compose syntactically correct documents.

With XML the syntax for tags and entity references (a way of including foreign components) is fixed. Elements and their attributes are entered between matched pairs of angle brackets (<...>) while entity references start with an ampersand and end with a semicolon (&...;). Comments are specified between <!-- ... -->. An example is the following trivial XML document.

<coolxml>XML is a cool idea!</coolxml>

This XML document cannot, as such, be validated, since no DTD is specified. It is, however, well-formed and complete.

If we want to become a little more ambitious, we could try and define a language to compose texts for sending invitations to our friends. We could envisage something like the following.

<to>Anna, Bernard, Didier, Johanna</to>
<date>Next Friday Evening at 8 pm</date>
<where>The Web Cafe</where>
<why>My first XML baby</why>
I would like to invite you all to celebrate
the birth of Invitation, my first XML document child.
Please do your best to come and join me next Friday
evening. And, do not forget to bring your friends.
I really look forward to see you soon!

This document is clearly marked up. All elements are delimited by start and end tags (like <date> and </date>, respectively) and they are properly nested. There also exists an outermost root element, which appears only here and not as contents of any other element. We say that our document is well-formed. Such a document is easy to parse with a computer, one of the design aims of XML. There is, however, at least one shortcoming to this document, namely that its structure is hard to guess. We have merely indicated the semantic function of a few text strings, but it is not clear what the relation between the various document components is.

To clarify the relation between the various document elements we decide to subdivide our document onto three parts: front, body, and back, corresponding to the introductory information, the message text itself, and the closing part, respectively. We also thought it would be appropriate to emphasise a few words in the text by bracketing them with <emph>...</emph> tags. A few comment lines were added as well.

<!-- ++++ The header part of the document ++++ -->
<to>Anna, Bernard, Didier, Johanna</to>
<date>Next Friday Evening at 8 pm</date>
<where>The Web Cafe</where>
<why>My first XML baby</why>
<!-- +++++ The main part of the document +++++ -->
I would like to invite you all to celebrate
the birth of <emph>Invitation</emph>, my
first XML document child.
Please do your best to come and join me next Friday
evening. And, do not forget to bring your friends.
I <emph>really</emph> look forward to see you soon!
<!-- +++ The closing part of the document ++++ -->

It is important to note that up to now we have said nothing about how this document should be rendered. The XML instance shown above only describes the information and how its various structural elements are related. How an XML application handles these data is not specified. One must define a transformation of the various elements to an output format (via a style language, such as XSL, see below) to be able to view, print, or otherwise represent or exploit the information.

Declaring document elements

In the example above we introduced a little language to allow us to mark up invitations in a convenient, clear, and easily processable way. If we want XML applications to validate documents which we are going to write according to that specification, we have to formally define our language. As explained earlier, this is done with the help of the Document Type Definition (DTD). The DTD formally defines the grammar of your little language, in other words it describes the structural relationship between the elements and their possible attributes. In the case of our invitation language, we could define the following DTD.

<!DOCTYPE invitation [
<!ELEMENT invitation (front, body, back) >
<!ELEMENT front      (to, date, where, why?) >
<!ELEMENT date       (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT to         (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT where      (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT why        (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT body       (par+) >
<!ELEMENT par        (#PCDATA|emph)* >
<!ELEMENT emph       (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT back       (signature) >
<!ELEMENT signature  (#PCDATA) >

This model tells the computer that an invitation always has three parts: front followed by body, and terminated by back. The front part is a sequence of from, to, where and, optionally, why elements. The fact that the why element is optional is signalled by the presence of the ? sign. The central body part of the invitation consists of one or more paragraphs (the sign + means one or more, while * means zero or more). They are enclosed inside <par> and </par> tags and can themselves include #PCDATA (see below) or emphasised text (flagged with <emph> tags). Finally, the back part only has a signature element. Each of the final nodes of the document structural tree can contain parsed character data (#PCDATA). Such data are analysed (parsed) by the XML application and validated to see whether all references are known.

XML has some quite large differences from HTML (and from most of the other current SGML applications). First, all element and attribute names are case sensitive, meaning that <par>, <Par>, and <PAR> are different elements. Second, all elements must be completely specified (i.e., begin and and tags must always be used). A sort of corollary of this statement is that empty elements are noted in a special way (since they have no content). Consider, for instance, that you would like to add an image to your content model. You would declare it as empty, and could choose a tag name like <image/> (note the / at the end of the tag). We, of course, would have to anchor this element in the relevant place in our DTD, for instance,

<!ELEMENT body       (par|image)+ >
<!ELEMENT image      EMPTY >

Defining the attributes of elements

One can associate supplementary information about an element by using attributes. They specify which properties can be applied to a given element. As an example let us consider the why element, and assume that we want to offer several ways for typesetting the text. We could define attributes type and col as follows:

<!ATTLIST why type (bold|slanted|upright) "upright" >
<!ATTLIST why col  (red|green|blue|black) "black"   >

These statement inform the XML system that the start-tag <why> can contain type and col specifiers. Then we could set the why text in a different type and/or colour, for instance,

<why type="slanted" col="red">Text is slanted and in red</why>

The application should associate the slanted value of the type attribute with a slanted typeface and the red value of the col attribute with red ink. It is the task of the style language to make these associations explicit. When specifying the list of possible attribute values with the <!ATTLIST ...> tag, we also indicated at the end which is the default value, i.e., the type and colour to be used when no attribute is specified explicitly on the <why> start tag. In other words, the following four lines are equivalent.

<why>Normal black text</why>
<why type="upright">Normal black text</why>
<why col="black">Normal black text</why>
<why type="upright" col="black">Normal black text</why>

Including foreign material

Foreign material (text fragments, special characters, images, external files) can be included in an XML source using the <!ENTITY ... > declaration. XML distinguishes two types of entities: internal and external.

Internal entities

An internal entity has its value specified inside the document declaration and has no separate associated storage object. All internal entities are parsed. They are used for various purposes, which are detailed below.

All internal entities must be declared in the DTD or in the document type declaration in the prolog part of the document instance. In any case, entity references should follow their declaration in the source. A general entity reference has the name of the entity preceded by an ampersand (&) and followed by a semicolon (;). On the other hand parameter entity references are indicated with the % (instead of the &) character, and can only occur inside the DTD, e.g., %list; will expand to the content model shown above.

An entity reference triggers the substitution, at the given point in the XML source file, of the entity reference by its contents. For instance, with the definition given above, entering &MML; in a source file would expand into the string Mathematical Markup Language. Entity definitions can themselves refer to other internal and already defined entities, for instance,

<!ENTITY XMLS "&MML; and other extensible languages">

External entities

External entities are all those that are not internal. They are used to reference data external to the given document instance. Data included via such an entity reference can either be parsed or declared with the NDATA keyword, in which case the data remain unparsed (e.g., a bitmap image or binary file).

Possible forms are the following.

For increase the readability of documents by humans it is convenient in many cases to add blank lines or spaces. Most of the time this white space is not significant and is not intended for inclusion in the output instance of the document generated by the XML application. Sometimes, however, white space should be preserved in the output representation (for instance when displaying computer computer code). To signal the fact that white space should be preserved as-is, a special reserved attribute, xml:space should be associated with the element in question, for instance,

<!ELEMENT computercode (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST computercode xml:space #FIXED "preserve" >

Source material part of a computercode element will preserve its line breaks, tabs, etc., whereas by default most XML applications will fold them into spaces when outputting the contents of an element.

Other bits and pieces

XML documents consist of three logical types of markup. An example is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- XML PI -->
<!DOCTYPE coolxml [ 
<!-- DTD internal subset -->
  <!ELEMENT coolxml (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Document instance          -->
<coolxml>XML is a cool idea!</coolxml>
  1. The XML processing instruction (PI), which is optional but should be used if possible, identifies the version number of XML according to which the document is marked up. It can also specify the document encoding and whether the document is self-contained (i.e., it references no external documents, such as a DTD) or not. Our document above is coded in latin 1, and is self-contained, so we could also have specified:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes">
  2. The document type declaration, which is also optional, provides the XML application with the markup declarations for the document instance. It can be part of the document instance itself. We then talk about the internal subset, which is specified between square brackets (as in our example above). It can also reference an external file containing (part of) the relevant markup declarations. This is called the external subset. An example of the declaration of an external subset is:
    <!DOCTYPE memo SYSTEM "~/sgml/dtds/memo.dtd">
    Both internal and external subsets can be present (one can, for instance, in the internal subset add attributes to elements defined in the external subset with <!ATTLIST...> declarations and define supplementary entities with <!ENTITY...> declarations).
  3. The document instance which contains the complete marked up document source. It should only use elements, attributes, and entities declared in the DTD (external or internal subsets). The name of the outermost root element must match the document type name, and all other markup must be nested inside this root element (the root is called coolxml in the example above, or invitation in the example in the preceding sections).

A document is called valid if all three components are specified and when the document instance conforms to the rules defined in the document type definition. As explained previously, a document can also be well-formed. In this case only the document instance need be present (no formal checking can thus be performed), a root element should enclose all the rest and the nesting of elements should be correct.

What XML tools (almost) exist today?

Adobe is implementing support for XML in both FrameMaker and FrameMaker+SGML, expecting to ship the XML-enabled versions in the second quarter of this year.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 is very active in the XML effort. At present you can download from the Microsoft Web site a number of tools, including msxml, a validating XML parser written in Java. It checks for well-formed documents and optionally permits checking for validity. Once parsed, the document is exposed as a tree through a set of Java methods, which support reading and writing XML structures.

As an example of the use the msxml parser let us take our coolxml mini document and ask the program to display a tree representation of the document instance. The command used and the generated output is shown below (jview, a Java command-line loader for Windows 95/NT, is used to load the msxml class library).

>jview /cp:p d:\msxml /cp:a  d:\msxml\classes msxml  -d1 cool.xml
|---PI xml ""
|---COMMENT --
|   +---CDATA " XML PI "
|---DOCTYPE  NAME="coolxml"
|   |---WHITESPACE 0x20 0xa
|   |---COMMENT --
|   |   +---CDATA " DTD internal subset "
|   |---WHITESPACE 0xa 0x20 0x20
|   +---ELEMENTDECL coolxml (#PCDATA)*
|---COMMENT --
|   +---CDATA " Document instance          "
|---ELEMENT coolxml
|   +---PCDATA "XML is a cool idea!"

Other XML parsers are available. However, James Clark's Jade/SP system SGML/DSSSL system is remarkable in that it works on almost all computer platforms and provides an efficient tool to treat SGML (XML), and generate HTML, TeX, and RTF output via DSSSL style sheets.

Grif's Symposia, an HTML browser and editor, is being rewritten as Symposia doc+, a complete Intranet publishing tool. It comes with a WYSIWYG-type authoring tool, a database publishing mode, and a graphical site manager. A free evaluation copy is available on the GRIF web site.

An overview of XML's other main components

In this section we shall look at two other components of the XML effort, the Extensible Style Language (XSL), and the Extensible Link Language (XLL).


As explained before, an XML application does not know, from the markup itself, how to render a document on a output device. To also standardise within the XML context the way a document should be rendered the Extensible Style Language has been defined. Historically two style languages existed before the XSL effort got underway. DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) has a Scheme-based formalism which allows transformations between document types and complex output specifications for preparing all kinds of output formats, including table of contents, indexes, page headers, floats, etc. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a W3C recommendation. It targets mainly Web-based applications, which do not need the full DSSSL machinery. Recognising this fact, the XML working group is basing XSL on a subset of DSSSL (DSSSL-O) and full CSS, allowing the basic flow objects of both to be used. The XSL Proposal states that XSL should have the following capabilities:

XSL uses a declarative syntax to deal with the rendering of most tags. When needed, scripts (written in ECMAscript, a standarized version of JavaScript) can handle complex tasks. Today the development of XSL is still ongoing. Pre-releases of software interpreting XSL stylesheets exist in the form of Henry Thompson's xslj program, which translates from XSL into extended DSSSL, which can then be interpreted by James Clark's jade program, which interprets DSSSL and has formatting back-ends for RTF, TeX, SGML, and HTML with CSS. On the other hand, Microsoft has an XSL processor msxsl which can be used on the command line to generate HTML output from an XML document and an XSL stylesheet (in this case only CSS flow objects are supported and the processor only runs on Windows 95/NT).

As an example of how one might use XML and XSL let us take our invitation document and parse it with James Clark's jade to try and get some output. First we have to write an XSL style to define how we want to translate the document's elements into output stream flow objects. An excerpt of that file, giving a idea of the look and feel of XSL, is shown below:

<?XML version='1.0'>
<!DOCTYPE xsl SYSTEM "xsl.dtd">

 var FontSize=12pt;
<!-- set global page dimensions -->

 <element type="front">
  <target-element type="date"/>
 <literal>When: </literal>


  <target-element type="emph"/>
    <apply font-posture="italic"/>


We remark first that the markup uses the XML language, and is characterised by a DTD xsl.dtd, which defines all the elements present in the XSL style language. We use various tags, like <define-script>, for variable declarations and function definitions, and <rule>, which has both a pattern to define the source element to which the rule applies, and an action which specifies the (DSSSL-O or CSS) flow element to construct. The first rule in the example applies to root element (the document as a whole) and sets page dimensions and typographic quantities, such as the default font size. The second rule applies to the date element inside a front element. The action to take is to start a paragraph, output the literal string When: , and then handle the children (enclosed elements) of the current element. Finally, we see a <style-rule> tag, which associates flow object characteristics with XML elements (they do not create such flow objects). For instance, the emph element is associated with an italic typeface, but we could as well have decided to make emphasised text bold, or red, or whatever.

As the jade translator only handles the DSSSL style language, we first have to use Henry Thompson's xslj program to translate our XSL code into extended DSSSL, which can then be interpreted by jade. We used that program to obtain an HTML and TeX representation of our text. The results are shown for HTML (via a CSS style sheet) with MS Internet Explorer and Netscape below.

The output for TeX obtained with Sebastian Rahtz' jadetex package looks as follows (remember we used a rather trivial XSL style file).


XML's Extensible Link Language will, of course, still support simple links as they exist in HTML for the Web today. However, building on experience gained with HyTime (ISO/IEC 10744) and the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) the document linking facilities of XML are vastly improved with the introduction of extended links, Xlinks and link groups as shown in the following image.

In his seminal Internet paper XML, Java, and the future of the Web Bosak explains that XML should implement and provide a standard syntax for all classic hypertext linking mechanisms, such as

Current work and applications

Below we give a list of a few of the more important initiatives and markup languages which decided to use XML.

Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language
Channel Definition Format
Chemical Markup Language
Document Object Model
HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol
Encoded Archival Description
Electronic Data Interchange using XML
Information and Content Exchange
Java Speech Markup Language
Meta Content Framework
Mathematical Markup Language
Open Financial Exchange, electronic banking and payment protocols
Open Software Description
Open Trading Protocol, for retail trade over the Internet
Markup to encode text extracted from documents of varying and arbitrary formats
Metadata contents description
Resource Description Framework
Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language
Telecommunications Interchange Markup
Tutorial Markup Language
Translation Memory eXchange
Wireless Application Protocol, to exchange information over narrow-band devices
Distributed authoring
Web Interface Definition Language
XML vocabulary for schemas, to define and document object classes

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